Raid summary 08/24/2014

Last night's attempt at heroics was a bust, as our team was skewered by IC Rennfest. We toyed briefly with the idea of pugging it, but we all know that wouldn't work.
Instead we attempted a 10N run for the few pieces of gear that would serve as upgrades for our main heroic group. We started at Galakras and made quick work of most bosses (1- and 2-shots) through Siegecrafter, where the group fell apart due to issues with and lack of ability to find anyone with oQueue.
It was a fruitful run: A couple of people got direct upgrades (including me- though my coveted trinket didn't drop, I did get a pair of warforged sandals from Nazgrim!), and even better we got a new guildie (welcome Gentlemane!). All in all, a fun night and good times
Greymane, the Gentle Shaman.
Thursday of this week will likely hold some roster changes. We are losing Klei on Thursdays, which at the very least means I'm hanging out as a tank. I would like to try protectors and norushen on heroic again, possibly sha heroic if norushen goes well (or even if it doesn't, so we can at least see the fight), and definitely galakras heroic.
We have a glut of healers at the moment, so I would ask those healing to consider pumping their off specs a little, too...