Raid Summary 08/28/2014

Heroic Protectors = DOWN
Heroic Norushen = DOWN (one shot, no less!)
The only sad part about tonight is that we had 7/10 guildies, so it was not a guild group and did not count towards guild achievements, but that's a small price to pay for the motivation and morale boost that our victories brought us tonight.
Mirste, Mikelion, and Kethark all got heroic gear (Kethark got heroic warforged gloves, even)
We had two pugs and they were both excellent. We had some struggles with Protectors, but each attempt brought us closer and we knew that it was only a matter of time with the mechanics being the only minor challenge. Sure enough, our persistence and execution paid off and we got them down after about 6 attempts. It was a very, very rousing victory (even though the gear drops were both for @myrmidon that dick)
We kept up the momentum, got to Norushen and that's all she wrote.. First attempt, down. Kethark got heroic warforged Blight Hurlers and Mikelion got the heroic Reality Ripper ring.
I equipped my new gear tonight and my DPS went from ~180k on a dummy to ~260k...
Dat heroic gear how does it work?
Anyways, motivation is high and the team is solid... If you're interested in continuing our heroic run, I highly recommend confirming your attendance for Sunday 8pm EST. We'll be tackling Galakras heroic. Watch the videos, know the fight, and let's do this
I wish I had been there, I'm so glad you guys did it!!!!!
Grats guys.
Taoran also got some heroic boots. Dat bonus roll! To think...2 weeks ago I was rocking timeless isle boots!
Nice! I didn't know you got gear! Grats
Nice! Thank for the guild invite too!
Great job!
Thought we did this on the 28th, not the 26th???? Did I miss the raid on the 26th while looking for Howl on my Spirit Wolf???
Yup. And you STILL out-dps'd @primesuspect!
It's bad enough that the dude out-DPSes me without even realizing we're raiding, but the fact that I got heroic warforged gear made me think for one brief moment: "I'll finally out-deeps the huntard!" but then of course he goes and gets a damned heroic drop too...
Fookin' huntards.
Hunters: DPS so easy you can AFK
Got a good kick out of this @MikQuattro
I really enjoyed this raid, hoping to continue in the same vein on Sunday!
Mik's charmed, man. Guy barely started playing WoW and he's already got more mounts, 90s, and gear than a good chunk of us. I'm keeping my eye on him in case he ever starts a business, because I will buy that stock in a second.
ARE YOU GUYS READY TONIGHT? I'd LOVE to get an actual guild group together. If we could do no pugs that would be amazing
@Celsh @Ryder @Myrmidon @Tushon @RahnalH102 @Hydrar @ryanfodder @tiberiuslazarus @Mikquattro @susurro @aalonz who's in?
Id be in If i can get a headset by then
He's talking about heroics. You won't be ready :P
After the last few heroics I went to, I can tell they aren't for me. Good luck and have fun tonight.
Sorry guys. There is a small chance I will be home. I declined the invite so you would know.
Yup ill be on Timeless Isles gearing up, Got a headset tho! Prime will be happy
Thinking about saving all my warforged seals for Thursday....:)
It's the highly trained pet, he picks up my slack and makes me look good. And kick's Priestards' ass in DPS as well.
I'm just trying to catch up. I play WoW cause I suck at business LOL