Raid Summary 08/31/2014

Galakras down!
It was the usual rough start; first time on heroic, we learned the fight together and made progress with each wipe. Wipes were great because they felt like opportunities to improve rather than setbacks. We were again blessed with two awesome pugs who stuck with us and improved while we did. When we finally got Galakras down after about 8 attempts, it was also our pug friend's first time downing a heroic boss, so we got to share that excitement as well.
We then went on to attempt Iron Juggernaut on heroic difficulty. It was the same story: We wiped several times but got better each time. Unfortunately, as always happens, the clock worked against us and one of our pug friends had to go. We brought in @Tushon, which made it a guild group
We made several more attempts, and got better and better at it, to the point where we almost had him; we made it through the toughest parts. Once again, though, real life wins and @Aalonz had to run. As it was getting quite late, we called it there and finished him in 9 man normal.
I'm convinced that given another hour we would have been able to down IJ on heroic.
Onward and upward!
(Kethark also won his BIS belt)
gooooood... goooooooooooood...
Also, the healers are putting up with some SERIOUS shit. I get stressed out just watching the raid frames.
A very, very fun night....;)