Raid plan week of 9/2/14

Just so's we all on the same page, here's what I'm planning for us:
Normal Immerseus
Heroic Protectors
Heroic Norushen
Heroic Sha
Heroic Galakras
Heroic Juggies
Normal the rest of the way
Kindly take a look at a video for Heroic Sha. Especially memorize the maze.
Expect more wipes on heroic protectors - remember that the raiding roster will probably have changed! Hopefully we can get a full guild group.
Mmmm wipes.
Curious why you think we're not ready for heroic immerseus?
What do I need to be doing to get in on some of the Normal Raids , Maybe even some older Content raids?
It's not 'not ready.' There are other factors in play.
First is momentum - I want us to prove that we can reliably down protectors as a 'backup' to future momentum loss on Immerseus. If we walk into a raid and wipe over and over on the first boss with no progress, the momentum (and then morale) falls apart. I'm planning on taking us back to Immerseus the following week while emphasizing the voteskip option... that means we have the option to admit defeat on Immerseus for the sake of momentum and morale, but that works ONLY IF we can repeatably down heroic protectors (otherwise we'd have the potential to be stuck wiping there after a demoralizing Immerseus defeat, which is bad for morale all around).
Second is throughput. We only have 9 or 10 weeks before WoD drops. I'd like us to see as many heroic fights as we can. Sha is supposed to be really fun, and we haven't seen it yet. IJ we can clearly do, and another shot at heroic gear on each of these bosses will make the upcoming Immerseus fight much, much easier. Plus, I know you need your trinket off of shamans, and I think adding both sha AND immerseus AND iron juggernaut to next week's plan makes that possibility much more remote.
There are smaller reasons - I want people to be more experienced at knowing when to mitigate damage and confidently doing so, we won't have @aalonz on his warrior from here on out or @celsh at all on thursdays, I want @MikQuattro to feel good and comfortable with disengaging to move around the battlefield (because he'll be one of the guys dealing with the hard puddles
), stuff like that. But the two big ones are above.
Having said all that shit, my raid is a damn DEMOCRACY, and I only try to make calls when nobody has a preference. If you folks wanna do Immerseus, let's do Immerseus.
Put an older content raid together, you're already ready for that! If you schedule it, they will come. I'm going to do Ulduar 25/10 tomorrow for achieves and transmog after my Ordos runs. You're welcome to come along.
As for normal raids, that's a rough one. I only really have time in my schedule to commit to the raids I'm running, with maybe a pickup here or there... so you might collaborate with someone else to run some LFRs, flexes, or normals (depending on your ilvl). I'd look towards @aalonz, @celsh (but she's practically raiding 24/7 already), @CannonFodder , or @primesuspect for that. Possibly @TiberiusLazarus , I know he has a fresh 90!
I am interested in getting an LFR group together for my fresh 90 tank. Tuesday maybe?
I am leaving for vacation this week so I can schedule one sometime Next week when i get back
Especially memorize the maze.
Cliff Notes: Take the first left. Take the next left. Done. If the raid group hasn't gotten you out after that we have bigger problems.
Sha Normal to Heroic lessons from my experience:
I don't see any issue with having the healers dispel only if they have gift. The debuff isn't being cast any faster.
Also why run around in phase 2 more than in phase 1? The rifts are still spitting balls at you just as fast as in phase 1 (which is the reason for dodging).
Unsure. The 3 times I killed Heroic Sha it seemed as if there wasn't an option of waiting until I had Gift to dispel, and was told as much by far more experienced raiders than myself. Willing to try with Gift-only dispels.
As for P2 running around, I've been in groups that ignored rifts all together (run around all the time), ignored rifts in P2 (run around in P2) and tried to get rifts all the time, but recognized it's less likely going to happen in P2.
My favorite kill was when we just ignored rifts, but that was with a much more experienced group that executed flawlessly on all other aspects of the fight.
Looks like this may be late as shit anyway, as I am now making a corona run tomorrow.
How late is "late as shit"?
My plans keep changing. Hang on, official thread comin'...
You need to dispel at all times. With or Without the buff. This actually makes the fight easier and even though it doesn't seem like it on paper reduces wipes, as it reduces raid damage over all and while people are running from place to place they wont be dying. People will be running out of the range of healers for 2-4 seconds at a time that is enough to kill them with the debuff.
The Pride you get from dispelling should not get you to 75 by the reset. If it is two things are happening 1) rifts aren't being closed fast enough or 2) there is not enough dps on the boss. After the reset you will have almost 100 sometimes a full 100 before the next bursting as he dies.
People are people and forget to do rifts, they think oh I have a minute. After a minute and 15 to 45 seconds later they then remember to get it. So there are more rifts stacking around the room. I have done it both ways ignoring them and getting them in phase 2. Getting them is easier for the raid as a whole then during the last 7%-9% just going all out on the boss.
Hey I might get done with the instance before Thursday! :P
the problem is that a new rift spawns every 8 seconds, and the debuff they place on you lasts a minute. if everyone picks up a rift the moment they spawn (and I mean THE MOMENT, as in the rift spawns directly under them and is closed immediately), then ~9 people will have debuffs at any one time, assuming no downtime finding and closing the rifts by anyone. THERE WILL BE DOWNTIME. and it will add up. furthermore, some members of the raid, notably tanks and healers, don't have a wide range of motion, and may not be able to close rifts that aren't close to them. on top of this, there are specific parts of the fight (projections, swelling pride) that make running out to close a rift inadvisable because the raid needs to be stacked when the ability goes off.
all of this adds up to more rifts being open than we can close, and each open rift makes the fight more difficult. a raid's ability to efficiently close rifts with as little downtime as possible will be the largest contributing factor towards the fight's increased difficulty on heroic.
This is not 100% true. the raid SHOULD be able to get you out of your fragment by then. but you also SHOULD be able to survive down there for longer than ~5 seconds. sometimes things happen, you are still responsible for keeping yourself alive.
here is the path I use. It should keep you alive for ~20 seconds, not that you'll typically need that long.

this is not the only safe path, and if you have found or become accustomed to a different path that you prefer, feel free to use it.
This is all excellent advice! Question - would it be wise of us to have a 'rotation' for rifts? Or just deal with it first-come, first-served? Possibly on an "I got it" basis instead?
As for P2, I think saving 'running around' for a sixth or seventh attempt would be better - I don't want to have to deal with healers running out of range.
If you're following along, here's three things you can do to help prepare:
One way:
1) Mark the quadrants in the room. I wouldmark the circles. @aalonz would mark corners. But it's the same thing. As long as everyone sees them.
2) Movement-able people (hunters, mages, rogues, monks, warriors) get the far side across from the
3) Healers get the ones close to the raid no one else get these!
4) Call out what one you are going to "Celsh going to the one at red"
5) If you see someone running that is more moveable than you let them get it.
THIS SO MUCH THIS!!! Early on my old group would wipe because people would get mind controlled. Did you guys know Sha mind controls? We didn't.
You guys have clearly never had a bad flex / LFR group if you haven't seen the other pride mechanics :P
When I was surprised about it I hadn't yet. :P