Ulduar me bro 9/2/2014

Sorry for the late-ass notice, but my plans have been all up in the air 'til about six hours ago. As for not posting six hours ago, that was just negligence.
@MikQuattro, @primesuspect, and @Aalonz... I owe you folks an ulduar 25 man achievement run. I'll be available at about 5:30 PDT / 8:30 EDT (assuming good traffic and I can make a fast meal).
Anyone else is also welcome to come (paging @GnomeWizardd, @RahnalH102)... but I may split off from the group to do Hodir/Freya on 10m for the gear, then rejoin afterward. 'course, I don't think anyone needs the hodir/freya achieves, so maybe we can all do that together?
Also, I need the first four of Dragon Soul and need a buddy to help... any takers?
I'm up for whatever. I have 5 achievements left on Ulduar 25man, and 2 on 10man, and I'll help whoever else on that. Had a good read on the achievements, btw, and have a better understanding of what is required. A couple of them would benefit us going very slow, as in using a level 10 weapon, etc. LOL. But yeah, I'm fine with 10/25man, whatever.
Don't think I've done Dragon Soul(???), so I'm game....
Cant Until I get Back from Vacation, Tonight is packing the 3 kids bags and then my Wife and My bags, So therefore until next week I am S.O.L. when it comes to Gaming at night Thanks for the Invite tho!
Which 10m ones do you need?
Also, you helped me with DS last week, remember? That boss where we had to conduct lightning?
I can't find Teron gorefiend saying "I'd be delighted," but that.
At first I thought that was WoW/baby speak for "Terin; girlfriend".
Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare and Disarmed (which, btw, is one that could benefit from us taking it very slow).
Sorry, forgot about DS....I was probably looking for Howl on my Spirit Wolf or something....
I think we need both of those 25m too... That may have to come at another time.
Disarmed is actually really easy. You bust the head down to 10% with NO DOTS, then smoke the arms (each of which have like 4hp), then finish the head.