Expect my daily points to take a major hit tomorrow.
Geeky, in my own wayNaples, FL Icrontian
Rigth now, the P4 box is waiting for tomorrow to roll around to get a major update-- it is getting a new motherboard, new O\S install, and sicne I prefer Linux on this box I will maybe take a day to get things on that box folding reliably again. The P4 box is generating between 55% and 70% of my daily points in range, about 60% on average. So my points will take major hit for one to two days. I can limit to that time frame, I KNOW that. Question is will linux run fast or must I play alot to get ti going??? If more than 24 hours is required, it will get the legal XP sitting on my desk which came a day early via FedEx from NewEgg.
If I can do it with Linux within 24 hours and fold, will still be a faster P4 working with folding inside Linux. I know how to transfer the whole client and work tree to a new Linux instance. I also bought, for $67.50, an 80 GB HD to make this happen(Newegg, free shipping also on that). Linux gets installed on new HD, copy of old is kept until new install works basicly, then Folding data(including configuration data for this machine) gets transferred-- if I have to will run client config after that to fine tune. I am probably going to have to switch distros or temporarily drop Linux folding to get the new motherboard working, so is an all day thing (or more in smaller scattered time periods) quite possibly.
John D.
If I can do it with Linux within 24 hours and fold, will still be a faster P4 working with folding inside Linux. I know how to transfer the whole client and work tree to a new Linux instance. I also bought, for $67.50, an 80 GB HD to make this happen(Newegg, free shipping also on that). Linux gets installed on new HD, copy of old is kept until new install works basicly, then Folding data(including configuration data for this machine) gets transferred-- if I have to will run client config after that to fine tune. I am probably going to have to switch distros or temporarily drop Linux folding to get the new motherboard working, so is an all day thing (or more in smaller scattered time periods) quite possibly.
John D.
Well, they will take a hit for four days. The points graphs were offset because the stats went down. I also have XP running on both boxes for now, will have to do some research before I am back in Linux on the P4 box. the Windows graphical client can be told to report as machine ID 2, if you manually edit the client.cfg file. And, the P4 got three Tinkers. When a P4 takes 6 hours to do 15% of a 400 frame Tinker on average and does a whole Gromacs in same time frame, for more points per hour in same box, I want Gromacs. So, some Tinkers died about 6 hours into work times three.
With client 4.0.1 you kill a tinker this way:
Turn off client. (quit it)
In the Folding@Home folder, delete the queue.dat and the unitinfo.txt files.
In the Work subfolder, delete Everything.
In the Folding@Home folder, right click the winFAH.exe icon.
Click properties.
On the Shortcut tab, look for a text box that has an entry ending in
After the ", type ' -forcesse -advmethods
And use no closing quote after the s in -advmethods
XP and 2000 will happily call the program and pass the following unquoted text as a literal, and the client knows how to handle those flag commands.
This is for a P4 box, for the Barton box (also running XP), I just change what I type to:
-forcesse -forceasm -advmethods
For any who might wonder, both XP's are legal OEM\bulk installs, I met the requirements for OEM\bulk use on both machines. I built both boxes, and they had hardware purchased with them that was used in boxes. In the P4's case, it got a new motherboard, new CPU(about a month old, used with only Linux previously), new HD that I bought with the XP on it, and the rest stayed the same except fro fans which replaced noisy fans and a new HS and HS fan.
Since I have good AV on both boxes, licensed, I can remote pickup email, Thunderbird tosses the junk with atrainable anti-spam built into it. Sicne comcast is killing viruses also, I have gotten zero on the XP install, though I do run a trojan aware malware software package set to keep that stuff off the box.
The same P4, running faster, in Windows, so far has logged much less proportion of the production per day between the two boxes as the Linux\P4 combo did with same CPU running slower. Right now, it is calcing at about 90% the production rate the Linux based client did. The Barton hardware is a tib faster, pure hardware wise, but the P4 is claculating better with Linux. So more impact data as to whihc CAN calc faster given different priorities and load of resources and how that alters production will have to wait until I switch to a Linux O\S on the P4 box, and compile my own kernel to do so. I will be using XP for both for now. I will give it a week or so with minimum downtime and see what the comparative stats are by box, by then I should have a base to compare boxes with same O\S. I will also be cranking the P4 CPU up some as far as speed after that time, when it is settled in stable at OC will explain what I did for the IC7-Max3 motherboard settings.
John D.