@Teramona Bugs Bunny during the parachute theme if memory serves right.
JBoogalooThis too shall pass...Alexandria, VAIcrontian
@Teramona: What game does Jessica Rabbit play and, besides Roger, with whom does she play it with? Full name...
TeramonaConsulting Tea Specialist Best Coast! Icrontian
@JBoogaloo said:
Teramona: What game does Jessica Rabbit play and, besides Roger, with whom does she play it with? Full name...
Patty cake! And she plays it with Marvin (Martin?) Acme. Bonus info: Patty cake seems to be equated with sex.
TeramonaConsulting Tea Specialist Best Coast! Icrontian
edited September 2014
To further elaborate on my parents hiding this movie from me:
We had a very big closet at the end of the hallway in the house that I grew up in. This closet was filled, FILLED, with rubber maid tubs and boxes full of various holiday decorations, old bedding, photo albums, etc… You couldn't see to the back of it. When my Roger Rabbit tape went missing, my parents informed me that they had "put it up" in the closet for safe keeping. Mind you, this was after I'd been watching it all day, every day. Eating lunch? Roger Rabbit was on in the background. Coloring in a coloring book? Roger Rabbit was there, too. Watching Roger Rabbit? You better believe Roger Rabbit was there!
So, for the next few years (until we moved) every time I would pass the closet, I'd stare at it. Sometimes I'd open it and look forlornly into its cavernous depths. I'd think, "My movie's in there…" A couple of times I think I even ventured inside, believing this would be the day I would see Roger Rabbit again. This would be the day I would tell my children about. My parents would always call me back, telling me the movie was safe. But what good did that do me if I never got to watch it again?
Years later, as they hid Army of Darkness from my little brother, I wept a little for him on the inside.
Anyway, I've loved movies since then. "Fievel, A Great American Tale", "Fievel Goes West", and more recently anything with James McAvoy in it… But none like my first. None like Roger Rabbit.
@Linc said:
UPSLynx An original, then: What unnatural effect in every scene with Judge Doom (specifically related to him) hints at his tooniness?
Hmm... I'm not sure I know this one, but I'm VERY interested to know what it is. I know he's the only human shown afraid of touching dip, specifically when he quickly backs away from the spilled barrel towards the end.
@Linc said:
UPSLynx Pop quiz, hotshot. How many gunshots are fired in the movie?
Plot gunshots, not Yosemite firing guns in the air in the background or anything like that.
... seven. If you don't count the shots in the door from the tommy gun when the Weasels bust into Eddie's office. One kills RK Maroon, 2 more shot and missed Eddie afterwards, four shots from Eddie's toon gun (one testing the gun, three down the alleyway). I think that's it.
@UPSLynx said:
Hmm... I'm not sure I know this one, but I'm VERY interested to know what it is. I know he's the only human shown afraid of touching dip, specifically when he quickly backs away from the spilled barrel towards the end.
I'm going to guess it's the breeze that blows only his coat in every scene.
@UPSLynx said:
... seven. If you don't count the shots in the door from the tommy gun when the Weasels bust into Eddie's office. One kills RK Maroon, 2 more shot and missed Eddie afterwards, four shots from Eddie's toon gun (one testing the gun, three down the alleyway). I think that's it.
Eight. Jessica: "Behind you!"
PS: I am pretty sure the tommy gun fires 9 bullets, for a grand total of 17. My memory could be recalling more distinct firing than there actually was, tho.
@Teramona Bugs Bunny during the parachute theme if memory serves right.
@Teramona: What game does Jessica Rabbit play and, besides Roger, with whom does she play it with? Full name...
Patty cake! And she plays it with Marvin (Martin?) Acme. Bonus info: Patty cake seems to be equated with sex.
To further elaborate on my parents hiding this movie from me:
We had a very big closet at the end of the hallway in the house that I grew up in. This closet was filled, FILLED, with rubber maid tubs and boxes full of various holiday decorations, old bedding, photo albums, etc… You couldn't see to the back of it. When my Roger Rabbit tape went missing, my parents informed me that they had "put it up" in the closet for safe keeping. Mind you, this was after I'd been watching it all day, every day. Eating lunch? Roger Rabbit was on in the background. Coloring in a coloring book? Roger Rabbit was there, too. Watching Roger Rabbit? You better believe Roger Rabbit was there!
So, for the next few years (until we moved) every time I would pass the closet, I'd stare at it. Sometimes I'd open it and look forlornly into its cavernous depths. I'd think, "My movie's in there…" A couple of times I think I even ventured inside, believing this would be the day I would see Roger Rabbit again. This would be the day I would tell my children about. My parents would always call me back, telling me the movie was safe. But what good did that do me if I never got to watch it again?
Years later, as they hid Army of Darkness from my little brother, I wept a little for him on the inside.
Anyway, I've loved movies since then. "Fievel, A Great American Tale", "Fievel Goes West", and more recently anything with James McAvoy in it… But none like my first. None like Roger Rabbit.
@Teramona If you loved you some Fievel movies we need to have a talk about films directed by Don Bluth eventually.
@JBoogaloo Pop quiz, hotshot: How did Roger find Eddie's office?
@lincoln: What is the baby's name, and what "gender bending" adornment does he wear?
Baby Herman. Are we talking about the yellow bow in his hair?
I hear his problem is he has a 30-year old lust and a 3-year old dinky.
@UPSlynx! Where are you?! You've been summoned!
I pinged that guy on the tweets too. I think he's ducking my quizzes.
With the help of the liquor store guy
He knew!
@Teramona Pop quiz hotshot: Who composed the soundtrack?
Quick question, is it cheating if I was pretty sure I knew the answer and then looked it up to make sure I was right?
@UPSLynx ...
Slippery slope
I'm gonna say yes, because you should say your original answer regardless.
Okay, I'll leave it unanswered for someone else.
The only reason I even knew was because I knew the composer from a different set of movies.
Alright, everyone step back. The champ is here. Gonna kick this off with an easy one.
Pop quiz hotshots - what's the password Eddie uses to get into the speakeasy where Jessica Rabbit is performing?
And I've dished this one out to Lincoln in the past, but I'm gonna use it again because it's a good one.
Pop quiz hotshot. What brand of bourbon does Eddie prefer to drink, and eventually shoot?
Walt sent me.
Jim Beam, I think.
@UPSLynx… is it not wild turkey?
The champ who conveniently ignores both of his open challenges.
Nailed it!
Hmm... I'm not sure I know this one, but I'm VERY interested to know what it is. I know he's the only human shown afraid of touching dip, specifically when he quickly backs away from the spilled barrel towards the end.
... seven. If you don't count the shots in the door from the tommy gun when the Weasels bust into Eddie's office. One kills RK Maroon, 2 more shot and missed Eddie afterwards, four shots from Eddie's toon gun (one testing the gun, three down the alleyway). I think that's it.
I'm going to guess it's the breeze that blows only his coat in every scene.
Guess: he never has a shadow.
Ding. There is a Doom-specific breeze in the entire movie.
Eight. Jessica: "Behind you!"
PS: I am pretty sure the tommy gun fires 9 bullets, for a grand total of 17. My memory could be recalling more distinct firing than there actually was, tho.
@mertesn pop quiz, hotshot: What road does Jessica recommend they take as a shortcut?