Hey, let's Link In

Hey @Susurro it was really great to meet you last night in the Valley of the Four Winds. Hopefully we can collaborate more on future projects. Looking forward to connecting!
Hey @Susurro it was really great to meet you last night in the Valley of the Four Winds. Hopefully we can collaborate more on future projects. Looking forward to connecting!
Hmmm...Looks like I should add to my work history.
Professional Shaman (2011-Present)
Job Responsibilities:
Splash people with water
Don't stand in bad
Do I need to write you a letter of recommendation?
You've been endorsed by Kethark for Grinding. Would you like to endorse Kethark back?
Ya he has.
Amazing response from Reddit:
"Work History:
"Independent Hunter - 2012-Present In this position I have utilized excellent metrics in order to deliver high touch customer service to a variety of clients all over Azeroth and Outland. Synergized with alts in order to provide maximum sales coverage on Horde auction house and reduce costs through profession leveling and grinding. Achievements include Ahead of the Curve for both Lei Shen and Garrosh Hellscream. Was recognized by raid leader for excellent add management and demonstrable initiative in regards to not standing in shit.""