FINAL CALL - Challenge Modes

Challenge Modes for this expansion are about to end, and with it so are our chances to acquire the beautiful mount and transmog gear. As a group and individuals, I realize we already have a lot going on, but if there's anyone who wants a shot at these, it has to be now. So, any takers?
I have SO much want. Alas, the time commitment weighs heavily on me.
I fear that is going to be the case with most of us...:(
While I'd love the stuff, that's just a whole lot of time and effort I'd rather put elsewhere.
I want to do it.
Me, @Myrmidon (sorry, no way I'm attempting this without you, you're just gonna have to make time. Your future wife knows you, she'll understand), @Swirly, and @primesuspect (who I'm volunteering, we'll tell him later). We need one more before I start serious planning. @Celsh?
But but but but but but but but but
Kay, but you're leading 'em!
(but srs, I am unavailable until next Thursday, I'm entertaining houseguests; after that I have a voice acting gig and only 9 days to get it done, after that I fly to iowa to get married. Count me in, but feel free to count me out if I can't make some days!)
I can fill a spot if need be.
I.. uh... okay
Everything about life is secondary to the successful completion of this activity.
Are you saying we should sunglasses cull other activities?
It took me so long to figure out what you were saying. Reminded me of this:
(side note: apparently Kevin Sorbo reading a stage direction in the script is a myth - he yelled 'disappointed' as a reference to one of his previous projects as a joke to the stage crew).
This was brought up last night by interested parties, so I thought I would update this thread. We've left it kind of late, and there's nothing wrong with that, but our options are severely limited now. The best guess we have is that the patch will be dropping next Tuesday, giving us one week. One of the guys here who has done this says it will take a couple nights. No disrespect to his estimation or our abilities, but we have to assume double that, so that is four nights. That is no big deal if it's spread out over a month, but we don't have that. So being completely realistic, the only way this is going to happen is this:
--We start tonight or tomorrow, and we work on it every night until it's done. Setting aside Thursday and Sunday nights, for example, to do this would be foolish. If, at the end of the night on Sunday, we are only half done, then we will have wasted both nights and walk away with nothing. There will surely be a night or two that we simply can't do it due to LIFE, but the sooner we start and the more nights we work on it, the better the chance of our success.
--We work on Silver, and if we have time, we move on to Gold. I realize that won't sit well with those who are only interested in the transmog, but if we work on Gold only, and Monday comes around and we have only completed 6 of the 9, then we end up with nothing. If, however, we work on Silver, at least we would walk away with something to show for our efforts. From everything I have read, Silver is very doable. That would allow us to get used to the fights and how to play our characters. If we are really close to Gold on any particular fight and it's looking real good, there is no reason we couldn't spend the extra time to knock it out Gold before moving onto the next fight.
--We prepare. We will have to learn the details on the run in the fights themselves, both the fight details and playing our toons. But we have no margin for error, and if we walk into each dungeon with a decent idea what to expect, the correct spells to use for each, and all the mats required, we are wasting less time and increasing our chance for success.
--We commit. Committing to something like this is committing to a group, which means your actions affect other people. We don't have the time for anything else. We can try our best to work around schedules, but the goal is to put together the same group of 5 people for at least 4 nights/days from now until Monday, and those 5 show up prepared, ready to work.
I realize this seems brutal, but it's the only way this is going to happen. At the end of the day, it's only a few days. Do you want the mount or the transmog but are afraid of what it will take? Well, I have one more piece of motivation for you: Imagine two years from now when 25 of us are in a raid waiting for Kethark to go to Stormwind to gem/reforge a new piece of gear to improve his DPS. The conversation turns to Challenge Modes. Someone says "Remember the time that 5 of us got together at the last possible moment and busted our asses over a week to get the Gold achievement?!" And then numerous awesome stories are told, we laugh at the memories, then Kethark returns and we start the boss, beaming from our accomplishments. Sounds awesome, eh? Well, you can't buy a moment like that, you have to bust your ass first.
So, if we have four players (one healer, one tank, two DPS) who are ready to commit, post here asap.
As much as I would love to, there's this wedding coming up and I'll be in transit. Best of luck. I believe!
Whoa, wait a second....I thought you were going to talk @Myrmidon into postponing the wedding so we could work on this and he could join us??!
I would like very much for you to stream these attempts. I am excited to watch.
Well... stream and record, for future viewing.