Raid Summary 09/18/2014

Icrontic has done it again; we came in with some nagging doubts, but we nailed down a strategy (thanks @celsh!), executed it poorly at first and then increasingly better each time, and then suddenly, the skills clicked, we were like a well-oiled machine, and the boss went bye-bye. We are now 5/14 heroic
Besides the big news, we also had an unprecedented number of people lined up to raid tonight: 14 people were logged in and ready to go; for the first time ever, we had to ask people to sit out during certain fights. The guild is growing (with some new recruits from former pugs to Reddit outreach), and people are getting pumped for progression raiding.
The next attempt, we switched up the roster to give other people a shot at heroic gear, and attempted Protectors. After several attempts, we called it, and went down to normals where of course we one-shot them.
Since there's some sort of event this weekend (some dude is getting married soon?), several key raiders will be out for Sunday, SO, we've decided to skip heroics on Sunday and take along guildies who want to run SoO normal with a full guild roster for a shot at gearing up.
Calendar invite for Sunday's NORMAL SoO 10N will be going out soon. This is your chance to get some upgrades, get more geared for heroic, take an alt, or just have some good old fun with Icrontic.
I don't even fucking understand. It was just 'wipe wipe wipe' on phase 1, then suddenly 'let's just get through all the phases in one shot, whatever.'
We were hanging on by the skin of our teeth for probably three or four transitions. I was actually pretty sure it was a wipe RIGHT when he died.
Gerrd jerrrrb!
I actually heard you call it a wipe, then I heard Jimmy say "Wait.... hold on... guys..."
9-manned Heroic Immerseus......friggin awesome
Something clicked, it got quiet, and everybody just perfectly executed mechanics for the next several split/boss phases. It was like ballet. Also, we got pretty lucky with the swirls.
Someone give this man a prize for understatement!
Dear @MikQuattro,
Since you think you were useless for the fight I want to inform you that without your dps in the first phase we would have wiped. End of Story.
The Rest of the Raid Team
Speaking of instrumental, having a tried and tested raid strategy really helped speed up learning the fight. Thanks for that, dude!