Raid Summary 09/21/2014

Yesterday's raid didn't go as smoothly as we had hoped; many people brought alts and we had struggles with class balance and not knowing roles that well. Fail tank (me) died several times and we just couldn't pull it together. We downed Norushen and Sha of Pride, lost a couple of people and ended up calling it at Galakras. My warrior did get a shield, so there's that...
We did have fun though and got some laughs in, so it definitely wasn't a wash. We'll get back to normal raiding this Thursday and resume our heroic progression.
About that, had a nice little power out last night and into this morning. Hopefully I'll have it back by the time I get home tonight.
Doh! Power out sucks, man.
Sorry you guys had trouble. Glad you had fun
Just fyi, Ryan and I will still be out for the 25th.
Well, I'll be here, but I need a spare tank. And a disc priest wouldn't hurt.
Will you guys be back for the 28th?
Back in LA, yes
I'll be there on Thursday.
I'm apparently going to be out of town for work. Lulz.