Marriage > raid - 10/9, 10/12, 10/16, 10/19, 10/23

Gentlemen and ladies,
I shall be unavailable due to LOL MARRIAGE from Oct 7th until the 24th. That means for raids on the 9th, 12th, 16th, 19th, and 23rd, you will need a different raid leader.
I know we have some very capable RLs already, but if you've always wanted to step up and try your hand at it, now's a good time - the strategies are mostly all set, everyone knows the fights - it's just a matter of redirecting any catastrophes that pop up. You'd also be able to push some progression - we have 4 of the first 6 bosses down preeeeeeetty solid, after we down all 6 at least once, I was going to get us working on shamans and nazgrim. That could be yoooooooou!
If anyone wants to give RLing a shot for the first time, I'll be happy to commentate via whisper during raid all the stupid little things that go through my head and how I inform my decisions... but there's not much beyond what you're already seeing!
Otherwise, we can always let @aalonz, @celsh, @hydrar, or anyone else with RL experience take over for a bit. Whatever you guys like!
I would like to take my name off that list, I don't mind helping who ever does in /w like I do @Myrmidon or with strats for bosses we haven't done yet. I just tend to be very brash* when leading and I like you guys and don't want to upset anyone.
*This was the nicest word I could think of.
@Celsh I enjoyed your use of brash, and it made me wonder what some other synonyms for brash were
I feel like that is a range of not well-related words.
I like straightforward, arguably "mean" raid leaders. CELSH LEAD ME.
Many of our Raiders will be in Iowa on the 12th, shall we call it now?
Most of those work, except for like the last
321.I have no idea what bumptious means.Bumptious: "self-assertive or proud to an irritating degree." no, no that actually fits pretty well too. Overweening yeah maybe a little. Puffed Up? Okay that is where I'm gonna draw the line at.I mean, you can, but that's like four raids from now. We still have the RL on the 9th to figure out.