Raid Summary 09/28/2014

If "by the seat of your pants" is a valid strategy in heroic raid, then by C'thun we're masters at it.
We did well on Protectors. No problem, walked through. A breeze, even. It took a few attempts to get up to speed, but once we found our stride, easy-peasy.
We got to Norushen and as per the usual, we one-shot it.
Then Sha of Pride happened. We struggled. We got slightly frustrated. We wiped.
Then we got very, very close to beating him. So close, but then most of us died. It looked like a wipe...
Until Mikalion the laser-focused hunter came along; dodging mortars like a chipmunk collecting peanuts, avoiding adds because it didn't matter anymore, and squeezing every drop of DPS he could muster... At the end, Mik brought it home and killed the boss even as most of his friends' bodies lay around him.
It was a heart-attack inducing moment for poor Mik. We thought maybe we'd lost him for a second because while the rest of us were cheering in Mumble, Mik was silent.
Then came the plaintive whimper: "I thought maybe somebody should have called 911 for a minute there. I think I had a heart attack"
At any rate, it was on to Galakras; we had a similar situation. Things were looking bad, many of us died, and it looked like a wipe. Then Bear came along and just resolutely took everything the dragon threw at him, swiping merrily amongst the bodies of his fallen comrades. Finally, Jimmy brought it home, destroying Galakras once again.
We had several really good attempts on Iron Juggernaut; we got very close to downing him but it wasn't meant to be. No worries; Thursday will be the day.
@Celsh "guys I've got good news and bad news ... good news: we can definitely kill him. bad news: i died"
Good job Mik!
Emergency Room Report
Charleston Hospital
Dr. Geena Johnson
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient presents to the emergency room with a one day complaint of pain in his chest. The patient states last evening he was fighting with the Shah of Pry (?) when he bagan to feel sharp chest pains. There is no physical evidence of a fight, and he constantly talks about how his pet saved him. He appears disheveled but strangely peaceful and continuingly smiles. There is no shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting. No other complaints. He is very affable and in no apparent distress.
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Occasional anxiety.
SOCIAL HISTORY: Occasional alcohol. Does not use tobacco products. Vegan.
VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 146/80, pulse 96, respirations 21, temperature is 97.5 and O2 saturation is 94% on room air.
SKIN: Skin is pale, warm and dry. Turgor is good. There are no lesions, rashes, bite marks, lacerations or ecchymoses. Strange blue spots on skin seem to be some sort of dye.
CHEST: Clear with good breath sounds, inspiratory and expiratory.
CARDIAC: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, gallop or rub.
Rest of the physical exam is within normal limits.
INTERVENTION: The police have been informed of the incident and are currently seeking the Shah the patient has claimed to have beaten up. The patient will be discharged to home with an impending mental referral. No drugs are to be prescribed due to the patient's eagerness.
DIAGNOSES: Possible hallucinations and delusions of grandeur.