6.0 Pre-expansion patch info - Guide to what's coming

WoWHead has a comprehensive guide to the 6.0 pre-patch. Basically everything you need to know for the next few weeks of pre-WoD changes
WoWHead has a comprehensive guide to the 6.0 pre-patch. Basically everything you need to know for the next few weeks of pre-WoD changes
Looks like we will basically be unable to run new mythic/current heroic raids during 6.0, due to lack of numbers... unless we want to pug a lot. The new "Heroic" content will be the old "Normal" content. At least there's gonna be a flexible raider requirement!
I don't want to speak too soon, but I think that may kill raiding for us 'til the next expansion, unless anyone has any good ideas?
Why would that "kill" raiding when we are only just now getting into the heroic/mythic content?
That seems to me to be better than what we have now. No one has to sit and we just have to hit 10 players. If we help @primesuspect with recruiting, perhaps we can build up a based of 25 people who are interested and put in the effort to get geared for Mythic raiding and we try it out.
Heroic content in the 6.0 patch is what we have already completed. We need to be doing Mythic in the 6.0 patch to get the same 566 gear we are after in "Heroics" now. Mythic requires 20 people.
OH! I'm bad and should feel bad. I thought they were talking about the next raid content.
I still love ya buddy.
Yea, this is just about raiding for the next 6 weeks.
We just need to clear 8 more bosses this week.
Or we could make the 20-man minimum. That'd be hard... unless anyone else in Icrontic wants to step up and play...? Eh? Eh?
I can bring a healer, 2 tanks, and 2 dps. That's a thing, right?
Yes; yes, it is.
If anyone wants to change "mains" for the next expansion this is the time!!!
MONK FOR LIFE!!HUNTER FOR LIFE!!!! I just really wish I could bring him along, ah well.Why not? I'll go heals on Kleio full time.
Going back to Holy Paladin, I think.
I think its shadow's turn. Also, DK tank?
Because I'll never move my hunter off of his home realm nor will I faction transfer him either. Too much sentimental value. Plus I find that realm to be so much nicer then others I've tried.
I'm sticking with shadow for Kethark and protection for Xingjian.
Rah, it's not too late to level a new hunter
I'm tempted to come play with you guys again, but I worry I couldn't commit to set raid times. It's possible, but I'm just not sure.
I'm pretty burned out on leveling toons. If my priest is anything to go by, then it will take me a about a year to get another one up. (hehe ... innuendo.) If I do want to level another it's likely gonna be saving up 60 bucks for a 90 boost.
Don't worry about it too much. It's just me whining that I can't share my awesome main of 155 days with you all.
I plan to level up Loxo first in WoD followed by Hydrar, fyi.