Raid Summary 10/2/2014

It doesn't get much better than it did tonight, in terms of that satisfying feeling of making excellent progress, feeling like a cohesive team, and being happy for the loot drops.
We two-shot Immerseus and three-shot Protectors. From there we went on to one-shot Norushen. Then we did three or four attempts on Sha of Pride and finally cleaned it up. And (huge) bonus: Ryanfodder got the heroic version of the amazing trinket that Sha drops.
We then took on Galakras, wiped once, and then downed him. That means on THURSDAY we are 5/14 and ready to spend our entire Sunday raid on Iron Juggernaut and beyond.
EXCELLENT work tonight, everyone. Onward!
Was a great raid, but reminded me how much I dislike playing Balance Druid right now. Especially without proper gemming / reforging (27% hit chance, and pulling only 180k dps with 577 ilvl gear). Moving forward I'm going to be strict about playing Loxo for DPS and Hydrar for Heals. No fun playing a spec that you don't enjoy with gimped gear... especially in heroics. (Note: this was my own doing... I'm sure the raid would have preferred to have Loxo for DPS... I was just being stubborn).
Good thing the rest of the group was there to carry me for Sha and Galakras
Due to the attention paid me for being one of the last men standing during Sha on Sunday, I think it would be wrong to not point out that the same happened again last night for someone else. I don't remember who was left when the Sha actually died, but it was another skin-of-the-teeth victory that should be mentioned....;)
@TiberiusLazarus ! To the logs!
4 people died during the unleashed phase. I don't know if we rezzed anyone, but those that did not die were:
Also, good jorb everyone. That run felt really good.