What role will you play in WoD?

To address common questions:
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: So Thrax and others can determine if it's possible to make a role change without conflicting with others that have played that role for quite a while.
Q: Why not just play what you want and let things get figured out?
A: Because I feel respect it owed to people who have been playing a specific role for a while. I do not believe it's courteous to change roles into their territory.
Q: What about my off-spec?
A: My primary purpose with this poll is to determine what role people are most likely to bring to a raid on an everyday basis. People choose a primary role when they select a class and pick a main spec; I am trying to tabulate those primary roles. I encourage the creation of a poll for off-specs if you want to see that data.
Q: Do I have to choose now?
A: No, vote when you've decided.
You need to make the options different the first one is just Tank/Healer/Dps.
I can't even get passed that one because I want to be a Healer with DPS off. Or a Dps with Healer off.
Something Something I think Imma just play Kleio.
I don't think the offset matters very much. What matters is what people want to play most often.
Offset does matter quite a bit, actually.
Well I prefer DPS>Healing>Tanking but I like to play all of those from time to time. I was heals for most of this raiding season because that's what was needed at the time.
If it wasn't for offsets we wouldn't be raiding at all right now. As a raid group we need to be super fluid in what we have, @Myrmidon keeps saying he wants everyone to have an offspec (if the class allows obviously) So we always have the correct make up* of people and we aren't having to pug a have to have spot.
*twoish tanks, and 2-4.5 healers depending on how many people are going to show up that night.
I wish I could zap mobs most nights, but some times I have to get the raid wet or there is no raid.
And sometimes all I want is to heal all night but 6 healers show up.
I think people misunderstand the aims of my data collection.
I am merely trying to understand what people would prefer to play most often. Everyone has a primary spec and off-spec, and there must be a reason why those specs are not reversed. There must be a reason why people gear that spec first for raiding, and why the off-spec is a secondary concern. I am interested in knowing what everyone's prime preference is, because it's clear that's what people want to play most.
I have spoken with a few people (and I am amongst them!) trying to decide if they should switch classes and main specs with WoD. I would never want to do this if I'm going to push out someone else who has been playing that role for quite some time. So, this data will help people make a data-driven decision about whether or not there is "everynight" room for that switch.
I appreciate everyone who has responded thus far, and people are free to reply here with a poll for secondary specs. I would be happy to add it to my OP.
If you are going to make a decision based on others' prime spec, you should also take into account the reliability of the individual datum. For instance, we know that @CannonFodder is going to be a rock in the group, so if he picks healer, that's good data. But if some random guy who just joined and is only ever here once every three raids picks healer... well, I shouldn't count that as data AGAINST choosing healer as my primary spec.
Reliability is data that will be hard to know, too.
I haven't filled out your poll yet because I am attempting to go true triple-spec, and I don't want my data to skew someone else's decision. I have no primary raiding spec, and enjoy all three equally, so to select one might push someone away from their selection. Obviously I recognize this is not the norm, and other people have other reasons for not fillin' er out yet. Either way, if not everyone fills out the poll because it doesn't fit them, those that do have skewed data to work with.
Go ahead and keep pollin', because it'll help someone (and even if it doesn't help anyone else, if it helps you, that's reason enough to continue) - but bear in mind that our special situation isn't quite that easy to boil down to multiple-choice.
This is why my friends and family get annoyed at me routinely: I have no preference (that you are looking for.) My only preference is helping you all have fun. My only preferred spec is the one that suites the group at that moment. So technically I'm tacked down for everything since Monks can do everything except (valid) ranged DPS.
From what little I know of Celsh she is mostly in this same boat since she likes to help others and has fit whatever role was needed at the time.
Your aim wasn't expressly stated, regardless I apologize.
For WoD, this data may not even be needed till Mythic raiding since all raids but Mythic will have flex tech in them. Plus there is all the class changes for people to break in, but that's a good reason to consider changing up your preferred specs anyways.
Either way, informed decisions are informed decisions. Carry on.
I liek deeps.
Tunk and Heels.Most likely bear, not sure other.
Ranged DPS for my primary for certain. Haven't decided on a class or off-spec yet.
There is a good chance I'll play the bejeezus out of my rogue because oh my god combo points on the rogue not targets oh my god rambling