The next month of the Icrontic guild, and the end of SoO raiding

It was a phenomenal run; these last few months (particularly the start of Heroic raiding) have been an absolute joy.
In lieu of events this month, we have all come to an agreement that progression raiding is on pause; we are done raiding SoO as a guild, and we are now focusing on tying up loose ends, preparing for WoD, and then playing the shit out of the new expansion when it hits; when WoD raiding is available, we're gonna be there and be ready for it
Things we're doing to prep:
- Liquidating the Guild Bank and turning assets into cash (with a month left, there are still guilds raiding, and we are getting the jump on liquidating, ensuring prices will be better; other guilds will be doing this in the coming weeks)
- Ending scheduling of heroic raids on Thursdays and Sundays
- Getting any loose-end achievements, mounts, guild achievements instead
- Gearing up alts or new mains
- Garrosh BoA run
If anyone wants to not lose our raid schedule momentum, we should start doing some achievement/mount/guild achievement runs until 6.0 hits (very likely on October 14th). From there, raid nights should be dedicated to Garrosh BoA runs (since your first BoA is GUARANTEED after 6.0).
The guild bank has been liquidated. Cash from the sales will be deposited in the guild bank and guild repairs are now turned off. Feel free to sell any MoP raid mats that you may have since we probably won't need them anymore. Please don't deposit any more raiding mats in the guild bank. Feel free to continue depositing profession leveling mats (and using them if you need to level professions).
Let's raid classic content to do achieves and mounts!
My... my raaaaaaid...
Many people are out the next month. There is a crazy amount of things happening in October.
I'd like to finish up the last one or two Cata raid achieves that I need. I think one was the three windy guys special thing that we couldn't do on hard.
It's both a sad and exciting time. I wish we were continuing so that I could enjoy raiding at heroic level, but I can't wait for WoD. I'm up for the old stuff, let me know what I can do to help make them happen.