Raid Summary 10/16/2014

Classic Raid Night!
We successfully completed Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Raider, so that means everybody in the guild now has access to the Dark Phoenix mount from the guild vendor
We made an attempt at Throne of Four Winds for that one last achievement but our damage too stronk and we killed the boss too quickly. We'll try again next week.
Afterwards, a handful of us decided to run SoO Normal; some on alts, some on mains. We started at Galakras, got a really good group of pugs (imagine that) and started plowing through the raid.
We ended up single-tanking Galakras and Iron Juggernaut, and then raid finder came through with another tank for the rest of the run. We had some fun with dark shamans, cakewalked Nazgrim, and Thok. Spoils was similarly easy-mode and we were feeling pretty cocky.
Siegecrafter and Paragons gave us our first taste of humble pie. We struggled but came through with some remarkable last-minute saves (something like 4 people left alive).
Then came Garrosh.
We had several people who were attempting the fight for the first time. We also had a few people that were undergeared. We brought in a few more DPS and had some excellent healers. We wiped several times, but after many attempts, we finally got him.
The joy of helping someone get their first Garrosh kill and their first BoA is what it's all about. It was great to see how excited people were to get their heirlooms.
I finally got my first heirloom, too (on my alt, sadly).
We'll do another Garry run on Sunday. If we have the group, we'll do 10H. If not, 10N. We'll get you guys your heirlooms!
Fun fact: I got a Warforged item from Nazgrim. So, OldFlex/NewNormal drops 546 warforged.
I noticed that several people received warforged. I do believe @XGPHero received some very nice useful upgrades!
Also @primesuspect If you have killed Garry on 10N, we can't do it again until after Tuesday. It will have to be 10H on Sunday
The beauty of an heirloom is that it is account bound, although Tanky stuff isn't very good for your caster.
With my main
Yeah, and Kelly made out like a bandit with upgrades
Totes in for beating down Gary Sunday.
yeah, that was awesome! I even got Hellscream's War Staff! thanks you guys!
Brian you're tanking seriously saved us on paragons...a real photo finish, ESPN Highlights moment.
I will say one thing: I learned how to tank yesterday.