Raid Summary 10/19/2014

Yesterday's Heroic run can best be described as an unstoppable Icrontic freight train. We basically strolled through the majority of SoO, starting at Dark Shamans (hey guys did you hear we were supposed to start at Thok?).
We had absolutely no struggles at all as we knocked the bosses down one after another, one-shotting every single boss in the entire raid. The team was coordinated, Celsh led the charge, and everything went smoothly, including the final boss.
Garrosh went down so fast, we never even saw a second Sha realm in phase 2. Many people got their first Garrosh heirlooms as well.
It was picture-perfect. If we had 20 people, we should be doing Mythics right now, because Heroic is on farm for this guild.
I was happy to see Garry drop like a rock.
Also, butter.
It was fun. Thanks for taking me with you guys.
I would like to do this again next sunday and maybe take alts so they can get their first heirlooms too!
Or this Thursday since we don't have much else to do at the moment.
Do we have alt tanks/ healers? Would LOVE to bring BowFodder in and get a bow.
I'll work on gearing little ol' Skeevil this week and maybe Rogue-ing it up
Of course, if we plan on actually winning, I can tank with Xingjian
I will say that the amazing performance from last time is that we just plain over DPS the fights. If we do this, we will need a lot of DPS from alts. To give you an idea of where we need to be:
We had top DPS doing ~13,000 DPS.
We had a lot of people over ~10k. This should be the goal for most people/alts to allow for this type of awesome performance.
My disc priest was doing about 4k DPS. We had ~ 1-3 people doing about this level of DPS.
Also: I will switch to disc if we need the healing / missing the DPS, but I haven't got my BoA on BowFodder yet.
Well, we can always ask @Celsh and @Cull to heal; I believe we have a couple of other healers we can muster as well. If you want the bow, there's no reason for you to bring your priest.
I will be bringing a disc priest if it all goes to hell I will heal on Kleio instead!
I can't commit to making Thursday.
Sorry I missed out. The drive back from Houston left me feeling pretty horribad.
We'll do it again this Sunday!