Classic MoP Heroics: Starting this week

I'd like to wrap up some of the MoP classic heroics before WoD hits, so starting this thursday we will begin at Mogu'Shan vaults.
I know we have the DPS to walk through these, but still you should familiarize yourself with the fights because we can still wipe and waste time/gold.
Also: before we start on Thursday we will begin with a 15 minute interlude to get Stay Chill from Throne of the Four Winds.
Note: The pre-SoO raids are still the old-style "Normal" and "Heroic". The new raid difficulties only apply to Siege of Orgrimmar. These will be 10H or 25H if we can handle it.
THANK GOD YES <33333 I'm so fuckin' in.
I'd like to start at 25H and see if we can handle it. If we wipe or we're struggling, we can crank it down to 10H
Unless, of course, we have more than 10 people coming
The important bit will be to have a guild group. AHEM @Aalonz @Cull