Holy crap, I've been playing one game for almost 10 years. I remember the day I bought it; I was at fry's and as a poor college student, I was trying to justify buying the collectors version. 10 years later and I'm still kicking myself for not doing it. Also sometimes wish I never bought it, but then I wouldn't be here typing in this forum would I?
I'm so excited for Warlords. And the next expansion and the one after that.
There is a point in that article that I don't think some wow players understand.
While there's no lack of statistics pointing to a declining subscriber base, the truth of the matter is that even in decline, World of Warcraft is head and shoulders above its competition
Even when wow was at it's lowest subscriber base there was still millions more people playing it than any other game in the mmo genre. If you go to the wow forums (don't it's a cesspool) all you hear is "the sky is falling! the sky is falling!" and "people are quitting for x and y reasons and the game is dying". What those people don't realize is that the lowest wow pop server still has more players than some mmos that are still in business.
Played an Orc Warlock (Beta+Pre-raids+MC+BWL), Gnome Warrior (BWL Fury+AQ OT+Naxx OT), Blood Elf Holy Paladin (BC+WotLK) and Draenei Enhancement Shaman (Cata+MOP) in progression raiding. It's been a wild ride.
I started right at the end of BC, played Wrath, started the Icrontic guild, then stopped for years.
My only regret is that I stopped for so many years.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
edited October 2014
A freshman in highschool, my new upperclassmen friends convinced me to join them in the fun. I never really got to play with them since I took my sweet time leveling and they moved on after BC ended. I made my Tauren Hunter on Nazgrel back in November of 2007, right before the Amani Raid patch. I played how I wanted (questing, enjoying the story) up till mid Wrath when I thoroughly learned my class (I put Mongoose on Quel'Dalar cause the lightning effect looked cool. Last noob hunter mistake I made.)
No matter what I've done I was always made either GM or co-GM of the guild's I was in. It feels good to finally be a sheep. People said I acted VERY mature for my age, but I wasn't doing anything different then I normally do. I made many good friends in WoW and unfortunately lost most of them since WoW is now too bittersweet for those still alive.
The longest my subscription was out was probably 3-4 months. Once I had a job and that Diablo III deal came around, my subscription hasn't been undone since. I've leveled to max a Hunter, Death Knight, Priest, and Shaman. I leveled past 60 on 2 druids, and 1 monk (who got boosted and was raiding with you all.) My hunter is still my absolute favorite class and character. I really miss Eyes of the Beast.
Been a good run despite the heavy losses. I look forward to many years running around Azeroth, Draenor, and beyond with Icrontic and all our future friends.
midga"There's so much hot dog in Rome" ~digi(> ^.(> O_o)>Icrontian
They took out Eyes of the Beast? Laaaaaaaame.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
Hunter pets were tanking Marrowgar in ICC. Didn't last long.
Holy crap, I've been playing one game for almost 10 years. I remember the day I bought it; I was at fry's and as a poor college student, I was trying to justify buying the collectors version. 10 years later and I'm still kicking myself for not doing it. Also sometimes wish I never bought it, but then I wouldn't be here typing in this forum would I?
I'm so excited for Warlords. And the next expansion and the one after that.
There is a point in that article that I don't think some wow players understand.
Even when wow was at it's lowest subscriber base there was still millions more people playing it than any other game in the mmo genre. If you go to the wow forums (don't it's a cesspool) all you hear is "the sky is falling! the sky is falling!" and "people are quitting for x and y reasons and the game is dying". What those people don't realize is that the lowest wow pop server still has more players than some mmos that are still in business.
Been playing off and on since beta (fall 2004).
Played an Orc Warlock (Beta+Pre-raids+MC+BWL), Gnome Warrior (BWL Fury+AQ OT+Naxx OT), Blood Elf Holy Paladin (BC+WotLK) and Draenei Enhancement Shaman (Cata+MOP) in progression raiding. It's been a wild ride.
I started right at the end of BC, played Wrath, started the Icrontic guild, then stopped for years.
My only regret is that I stopped for so many years.
A freshman in highschool, my new upperclassmen friends convinced me to join them in the fun. I never really got to play with them since I took my sweet time leveling and they moved on after BC ended. I made my Tauren Hunter on Nazgrel back in November of 2007, right before the Amani Raid patch. I played how I wanted (questing, enjoying the story) up till mid Wrath when I thoroughly learned my class (I put Mongoose on Quel'Dalar cause the lightning effect looked cool. Last noob hunter mistake I made.)
No matter what I've done I was always made either GM or co-GM of the guild's I was in. It feels good to finally be a sheep. People said I acted VERY mature for my age, but I wasn't doing anything different then I normally do. I made many good friends in WoW and unfortunately lost most of them since WoW is now too bittersweet for those still alive.
The longest my subscription was out was probably 3-4 months. Once I had a job and that Diablo III deal came around, my subscription hasn't been undone since. I've leveled to max a Hunter, Death Knight, Priest, and Shaman. I leveled past 60 on 2 druids, and 1 monk (who got boosted and was raiding with you all.) My hunter is still my absolute favorite class and character. I really miss Eyes of the Beast.
Been a good run despite the heavy losses. I look forward to many years running around Azeroth, Draenor, and beyond with Icrontic and all our future friends.
They took out Eyes of the Beast? Laaaaaaaame.
Hunter pets were tanking Marrowgar in ICC. Didn't last long.