How are you feelin' yer class? Cause I wanna know how yer feelin' yer class.

Cause now that I've gotten to try 6.0.2, paladin is starting to suck to play. I'd go into detail, but I don't want to bitch.
Instead, I'd like to know if anyone is having a blast with their class... because I might just jump to it.
(Already checked out MM hunter - THREE ABILITIES, plus a bonus for STANDING STILL. WTF, am I a siege tank?)
Boo, I was thinking about switch to pally because ONE SET OF GEAR WHY THE HELL NOT?!?!?
It still won't be 1 set of gear for a pally for 2 specs.. Ret and Prot still use strength, holy is intellect.
Warrior still has a bit of challenge as fury, but not much. Arms is ridiculous boring but hits pretty hard. Tank.. dunno yet.
I am sticking with shadow. Love it.
As for tank, I'm levelling a brewmaster because I'm curious to see how it plays. My warrior tank is now geared but I don't have a ton of fun with it. Feels too slow.
Welcome back @Myrmidon
We missed you
Oh, I see. I hadn't read up on the "actual" changes vs some wowhead like summary from last year
Two sets of gear for 3 specs isn't bad though.
Priest: EXACT same stat priority for Disc / Spriest.
@primesuspect should learn to heal...
edit: Except we'd have 4 priests. Also: Shadow looks to be super fun now. You have 3 viable rotations (until its determined which one does more DPS, etc.)
If I ever go heals, it will be druid or monk.
So much fewer buttons to do things with. I keep pressing hotkeys with nothing attached to them.
Shaman didn't change at all. They got rid of earth shock and replaced it with frost shock in my roitation.
My hunter feels slimmed down, aspect of the hawk and hunter's mark baked into my ability numbers, no Stampede, Serpent Sting, or Rapid Fire. I'm ok with this though because what made each spec unique is still the major part of it and that's why I liked them in the first place. And yeah core rotation is 3 abilities for each one currently. To me, it looks like Marksma is what Frost DK is to me, CRIT CRIT CRIT CRIT!
Same thing for my priest, Disc and Shadow's core stuff remains mostly unchanged. Just don't have access to some abilities from other specs.
Death Knight also didn't lose much. Blood's rune power dump is Death Coil instead of Rune Strike. Frost and Unholy are still them. These specs were pretty diversified from each other already so not much was changed.
Haven't messed around on my shaman much yet, can't say.
For Monk, the main change was the addition of Crane Stance for Mistweavers. Fistweaving yeah! I also need to practice on him some more though but I've missed every IC guild event and there doesn't seem to be much point to be on him otherwise.
Overall I'm happy with these changes. For my hunter I know the gist of my Draenor Perks and look for ward to those. I don't have the same feel for the other classes perks though I'll have look at them and see.
Edited for some clarity.
Healing style has changed to back where it used to be, it's not about keeping people topped off it's about making sure they don't die. I am enjoying the crap out of that.
I'm enjoying resto druid healing, I haven't tried any other specs yet, still trying to make sure I am the best resto I can be.
My Ele shammy is fun still! many bzzzztttt. She looks cooler than ever now that peices of earth come up and zoom at people. Resto Shammy is the same as all the other healers alot of OMG moments with few relief.
I am super loving my disc priest again, now that I've played kleio and know how to caster it's much more fun than it used to be.
Still trying to decide between Resto Shammy and Disc/Holy for Icrontic.
Since you like playing multiple roles, maybe with wods new loot style, Druid is for you? 4 specs you could allays be what is needed.
(welcome back we really did miss you)
I could conceivably get my druid going.
All the work I've done for transmog... alas...
(also I missed you guys to jeez I haven't felt this loved since that time I got married)
I love you like that every day, you asshole.
I love you too, you asshole-lover.