Raid Summary 10/26/2014

We had an unprecedented number of people in raid last night - 26 at the peak.
We had some trouble in terms of managing that number of people, but we still did extremely well considering, and went from Thok through Garrosh in 2.5 hours.
Several people got their BoAs from Garrosh heroic, and a few people got significant upgrades from other bosses as well.
@Celsh is planning on running Mythic next week IF:
- People show significant progress in gearing (make a real effort to PuG SoO Heroic or SoO Normal to get upgrades
- At least 525 iLvl, preferably higher
- Most importantly: KNOW THE FIGHTS so that all she has to do is explain the changes between heroic and mythic.
- Be on time and in full raiding mentality (no pee breaks while 19 other people wait for you)
Mythic at 525?
Mythic is arguably easier than Garrosh.
@Celsh is the raid leader for this; if she says 525 (and she has run it), I'll defer to her expertise.
One sec: 525 if people worked their asses off and just didn't get gear all week. I'm not going to carry people through because they think they don't have to work for it. *
545 is what I would like.
560 is what I would love.
*(Mayael rant) I will check. I will know if you tried or not. (/end Mayael rant)
And I think it will be next next week, since there is some Icronievent going on next week. Which gives people 2 weeks for gear.
Thanks for the clarification; 525 seemed abortive.
You have my @thrax.
Abortive: failing to produce the intended result.

synonyms: unsuccessful, failed, vain, thwarted, futile, useless, worthless, ineffective, ineffectual, to no effect, inefficacious, fruitless, unproductive, unavailing, to no avail, sterile, nugatory; archaicbootless
Example: "the abortive coup was crushed after two days of fighting"
Use over time for: abortive
I had to look it up! Just so happens google tells you this stuff too!
TIL "nugatory."
Mmmmmm...creamy nugatory filling.
The more 560+ we have, the better. Looking at our first SoO heroic carry session, 10K is the benchmark DPS for effective damage. I imagine Mythic will be 11-13k? I feel like we'll need at least 5-8 of us doing 10K+ dps.