End of MoP Family Album

I took this screenshot of my character just as a gee-whiz thing, as something I could look back at later. It struck me that perhaps it would be cool to have a thread here on Icrontic, sort of an MoP character snapshot album. A little bit of history, as it were. Please post a screenie as I did and feel free to add whatever images/info in addition that you want to.
Just out of curiosity, why do you have your lower-level dagger in your main hand? Am I missing something with my rogue?
He doesn't, the armory is F'd up there. His health is only 12250 for one (really 79.4k). His main hand is 570, offhand is 569
Armory is wrong about the ilvl of the blade, which is why it was in my offhand. 569 is the current ilvl of the BOA.
I think the 12k health is base health without armor, but I'm not sure since Mik shows 88k.
It'd explain why you die every five minutes.
The Armory is showing the final ilvl of the weapons once you reach level 100.

All the purples, many points! FOR THE HORDE!
I decided to go a different way, Here's are the four I raided this expansion with Icrontic.
Kleiowen, Klei, Celsh, Kleiessa
Ele/Resto Shammy, Prot Warrior, Resto/Bear druid, Disc Priest
That gnome looks quite confused.
Boy, I sure am glad that the new models don't make headgear look fucked up clipping through your hair. "Lolol fuck your transmogs" - blizzard
Also, the armory gives you a really good view of your shield, apparently.
I'm a little late, but since I'm sitting in queue, I figured I'd get my quick snapshot in.
Awwwww dude Laryana looks boss as hell. That is the perfect facial expression.
Blizzard, y u make me look so bad?
...not very photogenic...can someone edit out the redeye?
Maejah in ret form -- looks pretty cool, imo. She's either pissed or constipated... Have to grab a tank version when I can login again
Also, Maejah and Mirste are twins, heh.
Can't see Maejah behind her HUGE tracts of... I mean shield....