A funny thing happened on the way to Spires of Arak [Mild Zone Spoilers]
So, I reached the point in southern Arak where I stumbled across a mortally wounded initiate.
Uneasily: Noble :race:! You seem wounded! How can I avenge your untimely but plot relevant death?
Mortally wounded initiate: Avenge...me....slay ...18 of the....assbags who took...my life
U: Ya....Um...
MWI: Why...do..you..hesitate.. Getting dark.
U: well, it's just. 18 is a lot. And I've still got a bunch of this zone left. How about 8. Would 8 make you feel better?
MWI: They...raped me..with...their barbed cat penises....I was forced to watch..them...eat..my children.
U: 10?
MWI: You're ... an ass...
U: Sigh. Fine. 18. But your busted ass corpse better have some good gear when I get back.