1St WoD Raid: Details Inside

What: Exhibition Wod Raid
Who: YOU!
Where: Highmaul
When: Sunday December 7th, 5pm PST, 8 pm EST, Noon (Monday) AST
How: Carefully
I would like to run an exhibition normal run into Highmaul, no gear requirements (630ish highly celebrated?), just a bunch of people that want to hang out, wipe on some trash and get a look at the first boss of the expansion. If we get farther awesome! If not awesome!
This isn't going to be a low stress raid, it's going to be a NO stress raid. Going in with 0 expectations. If you are expecting to down the entire instance and get millions of loots and other miracles maybe this isn't the raid for you. If you want to see the instance for the first time before you step into lfr and laugh at some ridiculous shenanigans this is the place.
I will still expect some coordination, and for you to be able to follow instructions.
We have room for 30 people, I am not restricting this run with Ilvl as it's just an exhibition raid. Please come prepared with money for repairs. As this is more a team building experience than an actual raid please come with that mentality. Expect wipes but know we can kill this stuff if we work as a team.
When we start doing actual raiding I think we will be more strict on who gets in for the first couple weeks but for the first raid I just want everyone to come and see it.
Please, if you have not already, message Kethark in game or @primesuspect here and get on the Google calendar. Please Rsvp!
Depends on Deer season in Iowa.
... I... I, uh... I don't have a response for that.
2014-15 Iowa Deer Hunting Seasons
Season Season Dates
Youth: Sept. 20 - Oct. 5
Disabled Hunter: Sept. 20 - Oct. 5
Archery: Oct. 1 - Dec. 5 AND Dec. 22 - Jan. 10, 2015
Muzzleloader Early: Oct. 11 - 19 Late: Dec. 22 - Jan. 10, 2015
Shotgun: First: Dec. 6 - 10 Second: Dec. 13 - 21
I thought I should add: Hunters are required to report deer and turkey harvest either at iowadnr.gov or by calling the number printed on the harvest reporting tag.
Now depends which of 1st or 2nd seasons we pick
True facts: I received a phone call on my work number from a "Robert" asking for "Dale" to find a hunting license number for him; "any number will do, [repeatedly describes where to find the number], just get someone's so we only do the paperwork for one guy [who wasn't even at the deer hunting moment]".
Will this affect their dps in any way?
It's just a daily.
Actually, its a weekly quest. And if you get more than one, you have to pay additional gold to by the quest again, but it doesn't extent the quest timer.
Also, looks like I'm in for second season, and in for this raid.
I highly recommend achieving the Chapter I of your ring quest and getting your 680; the next part of the quest involves Highmaul raiding... so it will be nice if you can make progress on your legendary quest on your first time through.
The map location for this raid seems appropriate: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=DRAENOR&hl=en
Napalm records.. at a house.
I think we should move it to here: http://tinyurl.com/owfztjt
Since it is the Highest of all the Malls.
So, I guess I'ma have to hit 100 this week then.
I think we should move the raid here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16th_Street_Mall
Since it is an actual High Mall.