Best ADSL2+ Modem / Wireless Combo
Member 4 LifeAkron, PA Icrontian
My windstream Modem / Wireless router is acting crappy, I just talked with them and did a firmware upgrade, If this doesn't solve the issue I will need to Buy a new setup. What are your recommendations? I am researching online but You guys game and stream and live internet so I figured I would ask
I don't have specific recommendations aside from DO NOT get an ADSL modem/router/wifi combo. Those things are never good. Get a dedicated ADSL device and a dedicated wifi router.
Agreed. I've had nothing but issues when buying the mixed devices and pretty good luck with "standalone" ones. I can't personally recommend any ADSL2 modems, but if there is a motorola equivalent of the SB cable modem, it would be worth checking into.
Yup. That said, you could have your provider set your current hardware to bridged (Modem only) and then just shop for a Wireless router.
I have a Netgear DGND3700 which has worked out quite nicely and hasn't given me any trouble.