New phone

My current phone met a rather unpleasant end in a public toilet today, picking up a new one Wednesday, the question is what, my limit is about $300, my decision will also be based on Boost Mobile's "Switch and get a free Smartphone" promo and what phones are available through that, but just general purpose, what should I go with noting I don't want to carry HAL in my pocket, I just want a decent phone.
One Plus One for $350, Nexus 5 maybe on ebay or something. Those are not part of your switch and get a phone deal
My phone, IT barely lives, the display circuits are all but toast, getting a picture up on it is like starting a really crap car, but IT LIVES, (Still probably going to upgrade it but at least I have something to work with in the mean time.)
Something water resistant?
So apparently my phone is god damned Deadpool, it's working just fine now. WTF Phone couldn't you tell me this YESTERDAY!.
idk if your still looking, but ive always been fond of HTC phones.
I really like my LG g3.
OPO, LG G3, Xperia Z3.
I plan on getting a new phone this weekend. My cell provider is T-mobile and currently under an unlimited family plan. Should I get the new phone at the t-mobile store or do I buy it cheaper somewhere else? Not really sure about the best options.
Generally it's cheaper to buy somewhere else. Ebay, Expansys, Newegg, Amazon often have deals.
Picked up the LG G3 yesterday. It is quite the upgrade over my non-smart phone I've been using for the last 3 years.