Put on your man and lady pants, kids, because we have 3 weeks left to down heroic and get Ahead of the Curve. I think we're that kind of guild. Let's be that kind of guild.
@Thrax said:
Put on your man and lady pants, kids, because we have 3 weeks left to down heroic and get Ahead of the Curve. I think we're that kind of guild. Let's be that kind of guild.
AotC is available until the release of the next raid tier... so we have more than 3 weeks.
However... I'd like to get heroic Imp down before Feb 3 so we can focus more effort on BRF!
Mirste pugged it last night. I pugged it on Hydrar (didn't quite get the kill, however). It's do-able for sure. If we can get him on Normal, Heroic is just a matter of cleaner mechanics and maybe a bit more gear.
I enjoy punny names of silly NPCs that don't affect story or lore, but having lore figures (bosses) with punny names kind of annoys me a tad. It ruins immersion a bit.
More boss names that @Celsh won't be able to pronounce and that we'll have to come up with innuendo-laden alternatives to:
The Blast Furnace
Hans’gar and Franzok (GROAN)
Flamebender Ka’graz
Beastlord Darmac
Operator Thogar
The Iron Maidens
I'll gorge YOUR ore
Org orgy.
Put on your man and lady pants, kids, because we have 3 weeks left to down heroic and get Ahead of the Curve. I think we're that kind of guild. Let's be that kind of guild.
The Ass Furnace
Flamebender Grabass
Sexier Twins
The Ass Furnace
Oh Hans!!
Genderbender Ka'graz
Edit: Not fixing line breaks.
Edi2: Fine. I'll fix them.
AotC is available until the release of the next raid tier... so we have more than 3 weeks.
Blue Tweet
However... I'd like to get heroic Imp down before Feb 3 so we can focus more effort on BRF!
Mirste pugged it last night. I pugged it on Hydrar (didn't quite get the kill, however). It's do-able for sure. If we can get him on Normal, Heroic is just a matter of cleaner mechanics and maybe a bit more gear.
Hanz and Franz, wow.
I enjoy punny names of silly NPCs that don't affect story or lore, but having lore figures (bosses) with punny names kind of annoys me a tad. It ruins immersion a bit.