unblocking port 80

i need to unblock my port 80, since my ISP apparently has a bad habit of blocking that port when they throttle my internet.
PS: im already in my router settings, i just dont know where to go from there.
i need to unblock my port 80, since my ISP apparently has a bad habit of blocking that port when they throttle my internet.
PS: im already in my router settings, i just dont know where to go from there.
Make/model of the router?
linksys e1200
If the ISP is blocking it, unblockng at your router isn't going to do anything. Are they blocking 80 outbound, because that sounds odd. If they're blocking inbound, are you hosting a web server? That's typically against the ToS for residential Internet.
Yea, no router by default blocks port 80.. you wouldn't be able to see the internet (in a browser).
im not hosting a website, and i dont know wether its in or out. this is what i know:
When i run out of data each month, and Exede inevitably throttles my internet, everything slows to a terrible crawl. but downloads stop all together. when i click on a download link, i get the chrome message "your internet connection was interupted" with out any delay. not even enough time for a ping(which is admitedly slow with satellite). other webpages are unaffected. a little research seemed to indicate that port 80 is likely blocked, and some miscellaneous test online confirmed that. EDIT: ...confirmed that 80 seems to be blocked...at least it cant be seen by the tests i tried.
Yep, but if the ISP is doing it.. then your router can't fix that. They are blocking it before your router.
It would defeat the purpose of what they are trying to do.
apparently they dont do it intentionally...and for their sake i hope thats true, because their terms and conditions indicate that they will not block anything, only slow speeds down.
i can see the internet in browser...thats how im talking to you guys. id be open to other possibilities, as im doing my best to troubleshoot this with very limited knowledge of what the hell im doing. (just enough to be dangerous)
Have your tried another browser? It's possible Chrome interprets their method of throttling as a bad download.
If port 80 was blocked, you would have zero website access whatsoever.
i tried IE, and it did the same...worked(slowly) until i hit the download link, then instant failure
PS: this has been an issue for a while, on multiple machines, but the straw that broke the camels back was when i couldnt download a 12kb file!
It sounds like the ISP is blocking requests to download a resource. There are specific headers sent in that case, which it's theoretically possible for them to block. You could use the Chrome browser Developer Tools to see the exact transaction happening.
I don't have a great, simple workaround suggestion off the top of my head.
ill give that a try, but if that doesnt help, i will just have to live with it. i just dont know enough about the problem to make a decent attempt at solving it. even with your help. thanks for trying guys.
in case this is revealing...this is the result of the dev tools "test"
That's highly probable for selective ISP blocking.
why i despise exede. cant wait to get back to Long Beach and get some fios going.
thanks for your help.
@linc, could you close this thread or mark this as concluded or something...id hate to waste more of peoples time on this.
I mean, people have wasted time on worse things.
...yeah. id do it myself, but im not an Icrontian anymore.
Well, you could try using a VPN service, so that they don't know what is going over the connection. They may also block attempts to open that though.