Fite us in Hardline, actual Cops v Robbers

No seriously, fite us in Hardline. We had some great fun tonight, by we I mean @Ilriyas, @UPSLynx, Ryokyo, and myself.
It's good fun, much stabler, so far, than BF4, and a bit more balanced and well paced as well. The maps aren't freaking huge so you're not trekking everywhere. It's good fun.
Uh yea, thats about it
@Ilriyas is Justice. For real.
Yes! I so badly wanted to play last night but reasons. Soon. Tonight? Green beer and pew pew?
Is the hate from some communities like the Battlefield 4 subreddit warranted? I haven't paid much attention to the game since the beta which I thought was sorta meh. Maybe I'll check for reviews on YouTube.
It's pretty cool. I took a lunch break today and played around. It's a skinned Bf4 with new maps and stuff. The battlepacks are now gym bags, and everyone talks in a Jersey accent. The cops yell at each other if they haven't reached level 10, because you don't get a mustache until level 10. "Where's your mustache rookie?!" The robbers look like minorities, and essentially you just steal cars no matter what side you are on. It's sort of like GTA multiplayer, but all the citizens of the world have dissipated and made a nice area for us to play kill death in.
Also dust bowl in this game is just as dumb as dustbowl in tf2.
I made a Pearl emblem. Deal with it.
No, it's not warranted. I realize no one will listen to me because LOL BIASED, but seriously, Hardline is fun. Very fun. It's not as serious as the last few Battlefield games, it's just stupid, silly, blowup-y fun. It's not so much to ask that a video game just be fun these days, but a lot of people out there just want a parade to rain on, and Hardline is it.
Not sure if you played the 2nd beta, but it was a world of difference than the beta that launched after E3 last year. Hardline is important because for once, EA revealed a game, got tons of negativity around it, and pulled it back behind closed doors to revamp. And the extra work has paid off. They've fixed a lot of stuff from the first beta, and this game feels unique finally. And it's not serious, it's tongue in cheek, and it's a little ridiculous, and it's just fun. Sometimes, that's all I want out of a game.
I haven't had a chance to finish the singleplayer yet, but I hear it's good. Definitely one of Visceral's fortes. Regardless, all this is to say, Hardline is worth checking out and not being put off by the blind fanboy hatred for it.
I just got both the AK force reload and the RPG backwards reload in one match. I wish my PC wasn't shit and could've filmed it happening because holy crap that luck.
Two 1/10000 reloads I got two within five minutes of each other. Those Odds.