I agree with Brian. I really want a Swotch, just don't have the funds for it right now. I've owned every other Nintendo system from the beginning so I'll get this one eventually. Zelda and Mario are it for me.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
edited June 2017
Yesterday Nintendo recently revealed a bit more about the online service for the Switch.
The full release has been pushed back from later this year to sometime in 2018. Still will have the free trial run this Summer.
The enhanced classic games, currently being referred to as the "Classic Game Selection", now lists Super Mario Bros 3, Balloon Fight, and Dr. Mario as examples. The games in this collection will work with the service (Fight me in Balloons?!), and that you'll download all together. Beyond that no other details at the moment for this feature of the service. The "monthly" bit from before was not mentioned this time.
To quote them:
Subscribers will get to download a compilation of classic titles with added online play...
The pricing in the US:
1-month = $4
3-month = $8
12-month = $20
That's all they explained so far.
For comparison reference, Xbox and Playstation's subscription prices are currently as follows:
1-month = $10
3-month = $25
12-month = $60
Both have the same prices.
Also the example for voice chat setup in Splatoon 2 is ... clunky to say the least:
This is from an accessory producer, Hori, who are going to be releasing a Splatoon themed headset around Splatoon 2's launch.
The main note is that this setup is so that you hear the voice chat and the game from the same sources, rather then say, headphones plugged into the phone for the voice chat and just playing your Switch on the TV or in it's self-sustained mode.
It's an issue I didn't think far enough ahead of to notice. The voice chat is supposed to be from the app not the Switch, so if I wanted ALL the sound going into a single output device, then it would require a splitter of some sort or some fancy wireless work.
"It's definitely not intentional in terms of shorting the market," he told Ars in a recent interview. "We're making it as fast as we can. We want to get as many units out as we can to support all the software that's coming out right now... our job really is to get it out as quick as we can, especially for this holiday because we want to have units on shelves to support Super Mario Odyssey."
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
edited July 2017
What some people can do with this drawing feature man.
Edit: For reference, the only functions in the drawing feature are 3 sizes of pixel perfect pencil and eraser, an undo/redo button, and a zoom function,.
this copy of NES Golf is just sitting on every Nintendo Switch console in the world, and it's been designed specifically for Switch compatibility. Possible screenshots of the emulator in action, shown above, even demonstrate Joy-Con golfing motion controls.
The Nintendo Switch Online app was working fine when I was on iOS 10 on my iPhone 7. However as I have updated to iOS 11.4 now when I open the app it only loads a white blank screen on startup and crashes itself. Any idea how to fix it guys?
I agree with Brian. I really want a Swotch, just don't have the funds for it right now. I've owned every other Nintendo system from the beginning so I'll get this one eventually. Zelda and Mario are it for me.
Yesterday Nintendo recently revealed a bit more about the online service for the Switch.
The full release has been pushed back from later this year to sometime in 2018. Still will have the free trial run this Summer.
The enhanced classic games, currently being referred to as the "Classic Game Selection", now lists Super Mario Bros 3, Balloon Fight, and Dr. Mario as examples. The games in this collection will work with the service (Fight me in Balloons?!), and that you'll download all together. Beyond that no other details at the moment for this feature of the service. The "monthly" bit from before was not mentioned this time.
To quote them:
The pricing in the US:
That's all they explained so far.
For comparison reference, Xbox and Playstation's subscription prices are currently as follows:
Both have the same prices.
Also the example for voice chat setup in Splatoon 2 is ... clunky to say the least:
This is from an accessory producer, Hori, who are going to be releasing a Splatoon themed headset around Splatoon 2's launch.
The main note is that this setup is so that you hear the voice chat and the game from the same sources, rather then say, headphones plugged into the phone for the voice chat and just playing your Switch on the TV or in it's self-sustained mode.
It's an issue I didn't think far enough ahead of to notice. The voice chat is supposed to be from the app not the Switch, so if I wanted ALL the sound going into a single output device, then it would require a splitter of some sort or some fancy wireless work.
Nintendo: Switch shortages are “definitely not intentional”
What some people can do with this drawing feature man.

Edit: For reference, the only functions in the drawing feature are 3 sizes of pixel perfect pencil and eraser, an undo/redo button, and a zoom function,.
Wow that is nuts
Every Nintendo Switch appears to contain a hidden copy of NES Golf
The Nintendo Switch Online app was working fine when I was on iOS 10 on my iPhone 7. However as I have updated to iOS 11.4 now when I open the app it only loads a white blank screen on startup and crashes itself. Any idea how to fix it guys?
Shawn Yadav
Is it finally time?
