FantasyGrounds is now on Steam. D&D ahoy

in Gaming
We spent four awesome years in @CB's campaign world called The Isles of the Sun, and we used FantasyGrounds and Skype to do it. Now, FantasyGrounds is available on Steam.
It comes with the software and licensed Dungeons & Dragons content.
It is fantastic software. If you want to play D&D with people in different places, this is the best way to do it.
Do you know if they do license transfers? Also, we should play.
So you're going to run a game for us?
Only $39.99 with $1,275 in DLC. It's a steal.
Does each player need to buy it, or just the DM? My google-fu fails.
It looks like the Steam Version includes both the DM and player versions. When we played Sunday night IC D&D CB had a GM licence and all the players had player licences. I think the only difference is that the player licence was a limited version, but I'm not sure exactly what was different. @CB would be the one to tell that as he had our DM version.
Jesus that price point, Roll20 may have a smaller number of available materials but (if you're so incined you can add your own) it's (And any additional content) is free.
I have been highly unsatisfied with Roll20 in the other couple of games I've tried to play using it. We ended up reverting to physical dice and the DM handling all aspects of the campaign on paper. We seriously considered a webcam looking at paper after using Roll20. But, nobody wanted to spend money on FG so...
I thought you were joking...then I saw the store page...
All kidding aside about the ton of DLC, Fantasy Grounds is a great product and I highly recommend it if you have any desire to play a d20 game online with your friends. You really only need the specific DLC if there is a system that you want to use that's not included in the base game.