I'm confused

in Community
I guess what I don't understand is why @Teramona and @myrmidon have never shared this with the community, because it's actually really good and I had no idea it existed.
Like, making media and then not sharing it is kind of counterproductive? I guess?
The series gets better and better with every episode. This is seriously good! My favorite episode:
The whole series: Midweek Progress
And their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/midweekprogress?fref=photo
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I mentioned it on Facebook a couple of times, but I was afraid of bothering people with it so I never really pushed it. We've been spending A LOT of our free time and creative energy on this, and seeing your post here literally brought me to tears. Getting this kind of validation on something I really care about means so much to me!
Also, Nicole's awesome logo art!:
Is all over facebook.... And is totally awesome!
Musical Week Progress is best episode. @Myrmidon's "F*K OFF" is so good.
If you've ever been to Dan/Terin's home, you'll probably remember all the headshot photos of Robby all over the bathroom. It really makes me giggle seeing more and more of those photos pop up with every episode.
This is genius. Why did I only learn of it 5 minutes ago?
I agree with Bobby. Music week is best episode.
My wife drew the freaking logo and I still had no idea it existed. Everyone has failed me. I have failed everyone.
Business as usual then?
Love the tripod mount. XD
It's little things like that that we hope people notice, haha!
Man, 7 new subscribers over night. This is amazing! Seriously, thank you for bringing this to peoples' attention, @primesuspect! Apparently I am suck at promoting things.
The curse of the introvert artist. I too feel it.
Sigh. You creative types.
Promotion: one "add comment" button away!
More Bulma. The fans demand it.
Wooo! A reference! My show is getting referenced!
The toys episode was great
I wanted them to put a dildo in there.
"Not those kinds of toys, d&."
My sadness.
New episode, friends!
So, here is the season 1 finale, and the season 2 teaser… These are kind of exciting for me, but it's sort of a spoiler to say why. Annnnyway, I'd like to point out that I really do think that Robby is extremely talented and very funny. From the first episode until now he's definitely hit upon a groove that is uniquely Robby Gotshall, and I'm proud to work on this little youtube project with him. He's going to be famous one day for sure so, as they say, "watch this space."
Season 1 finale:

Season 2 teaser:

Thanks for watching!
Real Fan here
fan two
I too have a recollection of Terin's countenance.
welp I'm hooked
Pfff. First fan here.
Also; Yesssssssssssssssssssssssss
Couldn't say it better. ^^^
PSH. BS. I was a fan before you even found this on the internet. I'm the REAL first fan. ASK @Teramona SHE KNOWS.
Why haven't you brought Robby to New Years or something and more importantly how does he not have his own talk show and or sitcom already?
It's true. Lynx is the OG fan.
I'm in the show, too, Canti. Jeeze.
"Midweek Progress starring Robby Gotschall. I'm your host, Robby Gotschall".... I don't think there's anyone else in this?
Oh wait, I saw Dan a few times. And Taelynn once!