Sam Adams re-release vote
Vote for 4 no longer produced Sam Adams beers to be featured in a Jan 2016 variety pack. You can vote daily, apparently.
The correct answers are:
- Hefeweizen
- Scotch Ale
- Honey Porter
- Hefeweizen
I generally do not like Hefes
For a winter pack definitely coffee stout and Vienna lager.
Vienna lagers are my cold weather go to, rich, a little sweet. And coffee anything, anytime is a good time for coffee flavored things.
Seriously, the only one I actually care about in that list is the 2011 stout.
What I really want is the original recipe Winter Lager. That stuff was beautiful.
Are we talking generally about Hefes or Sam Adams Hefeweizen? The former is a broad beer category. The latter is, as I recall, the second-best Sam Adams beer in its time, after only Oktoberfest.
Both. I generally don't like Hefeweizens and I'm not fond of the Sam Adams version either.
A Hefe is just a wheat beer with a yeast that produces desirable and pronounced off flavors.
Going to inject more armchair beer snobbery on this thread. For me, hefeweizens can be good if three conditions are met:
1. The weather is hot
2. It is a good German hefeweizen
3. I am outside in nature
One exception, Dunkelweizens are acceptable in the fall and spring when it is cool outside, but not cold. I generally only enjoy a hefeweizen if I am outside in fresh air with some nature to look at, I can't enjoy them sitting somewhere inside a building for whatever odd reason. One of the best beers I've ever had was at an outside cafe on top of zugspitze where I had a weihenstaphaner kristallweis on tap while gazing over the valleys below. That might have ruined drinking hefes in regular scenarios for me. This is why people should never have sex on ecstasy.
Regarding Sam Adams, it brings back good memories of large quantity drinking with friends 10ish years ago ( @BobbyDigi ). It was good for that, but I don't particularly miss any of their beers, except oddly enough, the winter lager which is like a nice light session bock good for a winter get together.
I expect nothing less from Icrontic...
You can't not like something I say that I like!![:p :p](
@PirateNinja I only need one condition to be met for me to drink a Hefe. It is brought to be my a busty blonde German in a low cut top.
We need more bocks in general because they're one of my favorite types of beers. Wish Sam Adams dished more out.
Black Lager, Revoltionary Rye, Rustic Saison, Scotch Ale
ffffff, why is their Dunkelweizen not on the list?![:( :(](
I can support all of this. Honestly I feel like I just had their Black Lager within the last year so its presence on that list puzzles me. It's completely great regardless.
I voted for Revoltionary Rye yesterday as my fourth; today it was Brown Ale. Mostly because I can barely remember it so I voted in favor of nostalgia.
I put a vote in for Cranberry Lambic today. Deal with it.
I know it's implied, but do you notice there is a word missing?
Mostly I'm just disappointed no one noticed my reaction to Bobby's lambic bullshit.
i'll make you a porter and put honey in it if you really want. Shit I'll even use Sam Adams' yeast.
Yea, but will you bring it to an event?
No, but I will send a video of me drinking it. probably with a pug on my lap
You have 5 weeks. Get on it.
While I am epic sad Honey Porter isn't on the list, choosing 2 correctly ain't bad. As I said earlier, I love Black Lager, I just can't believe they even took it out of circulation in the first place.
I'm pretty damn happy with that outcome. Would have really liked Honey Porter or Rev Rye, but I'll take these in a heartbeat.
That being said, I wish they'd just brew all four and put them in a special pack together. Only ending up with one of these four will not be enough!
My thoughts exactly. Just give me this variety pack. I'll buy them all.
aaaaaand done! Scotch Ale wins.