Change in raid leadership and raid plans for the remainder of this expansion

I'd like to announce a change in our roster for current and future content, and I want to start with a huge THANK YOU to @Celsh for leading us through the world of Draenor raiding from the beginning of the expansion until the end of this current tier. Your leadership has been motivational, inspiring, and very skilled and we have made superb progress considering the ethereal nature of our "Sort of Serious / Sort of Casual" guild.
Celsh is not leaving the guild, the site, mumble or anything else. She's got a full plate with her main raiding guild and she is merely stepping down from the raid leader position. She'll still be raiding with us and healing our sorry asses or chain lightning out of nowhere the bad guys.
For tonight's raid and next week's raid, @Thrax has graciously stepped up to the plate to lead us through the final steps of Blackhand's defeat (which WILL happen). Thank you so much, @Thrax.
Unfortunately, his work schedule is such that he regretfully cannot commit to leading the raids after next week. We have two weeks off after that (due to Expo Icrontic), and by that time it is almost 100% certain that 6.2 and a new tier of content will be back, which leads us to:
The return of @myrmidon as our raid leader for the remainder of patch 6.2 and (presumably) Warlords of Draenor. I'm very grateful to him for agreeing to get back in the saddle and lead us on to victory in Hellfire Citadel
For the Alliance!
To Summarize:
Tonight: Thrax @ BRF
Sunday 14th: Thrax @ BRF
Monday 15th: Thrax @ BRF
June 21-22 & 28-29: BREAK FOR EXPO ICRONTIC
July 5th + onward: Myrmidon @ Hellfire
Correction: Thrax will be in Germany June 13-18. Someone else will need to do the bidness.
I just died a little reading that.
I mean, we've been an Alliance guild for several years now. In fact, we may have been Alliance longer than Horde at this point, so I dunno. Time to accept it
I didn't want to post this at first but I think I will anyways. I sent it to Brian as a message but I think I will just copy it to you guys.
I joined Icrontic as a way to raid on my alt. I ended up finding a bunch of amazing people that I consider my friends. I've decided I can't lead raid here anymore. I am getting frustrated at my friends for being who they are. It's not fair to them and it hurts me that I am frustrated at them.
I know I can't be mad at people for playing how they want, but deep down I do. I resent the people that want me to push us harder but only show up half of the time. I am saddened by the people who leave when things get hard, knowing that they will be back when it’s easy again. I'm disheartened at the people that want me to sit people that are "bad" in their minds, when we are an all inclusive team. Maybe they don't truly know what they want so they are just saying things that they think mean "I want us to do better"
I know I shouldn't get upset when people talk over me in raid, mostly when it's somewhat pertinent. I just feel when I'm trying to explain how we are going to change things, if I'm being talked over that person isn't listening which means I will have to explain it again.
This isn't just what happened yesterday I've just been slowly realizing I don't want to be mad at my friends, I just want to play with them. I will still raid with IC when I can. I just can't be upset at my friends anymore.
Horde For Life!
@Celsh you're awesome - thanks for getting us as far as we've gotten as a team. You've been a big part of encouraging me to continue to improve as a player. Looking forward to whenever you can join us for our antics.
To the raid team -- I really enjoy playing together (even though angry bears are kinda smelly). I look forward to logging on sun & mon nights. Everything is cool when you're part of a team -- lets kick blackhand's butt.
I am available to run the June 14 raid.
Better get your Troll Pandaren to Level 90, then.