MUH MOUNTS. They changed their mind. Flight is coming to Draenor

Essentially, you have to earn it by FULLY exploring from the ground. I'm okay with this.
Essentially, you have to earn it by FULLY exploring from the ground. I'm okay with this.
Yay flying.
I hate rep grinds though, hate them. If these achievements require more than 1 person to accomplish, that isn't the best either, IMO>
Their previous justification of "danger" and "immersion" were terrifically flimsy and a bit dishonest about their game world. It's good to see the community screwed Blizzard's head on straight.
This is fine.
Bam! Ready
Wait ... we have to have loremaster and master treasure hunter in order to get flying. ... forced content, ahoy.
The real bullshit is Tanaan Diplomat. The rest are easy, most have them done by accident for playing WoD as intended.
Yes. They've said several times that the entire point is to force content so that all the content is seen and experienced.
And most people will be entirely ok with this; and many others have already done it for the giggles.
Tanaan Diplomat is the easiest of the bunch: It can literally be bought on the AH. If you do the dailies on Tanaan, it takes about three weeks.
Done! Thanks to @MikQuattro