6.2 and Hellfire Citadel on June 23rd

As we suspected: Next Tuesday, the 23rd, is the release of 6.2.
Icrontic progression raiding is taking a break this and next weekend for Expo Icrontic. We will begin raiding Hellfire Citadel as a guild on July 5th at 8pm EST!
And in case you missed the important information in that link;
Tier 18 armor looks dumb. Except maybe rouges and shamalamadingdongs
On June 23rd if you are around I will be streaming HFC if any of you want to see it before raid on the 5th.
Holy crap that does look goofy.
Paladins look super dumb
None of them are standout, I think, but the Warrior is pretty ok. Paladin has a strong Warhammer vibe to it.
My two cents on tier armor:
Overall these are good (except hunter, that's just bland) but aren't as intricate as Tier 17.
For example, Mythic versions of Tier 17 had more detail or special animations last tier. This Mythic tier gets some fel corruption sprinkled on the base set.
I'm content with the monk set though, and that's the only class you all will see from me anyways.
Quick Guide to HFC:
I'm on a boat, bitch.
Not in the patch notes @TaintiusChodius Healing touch wont take you out of bear form.
So you can Dream of all the Cenariuses without worrying.