America V.S. Japan, let the mech combat begin!

Do apparently an American company has challenged a Japanese company to a mech battle. My childhood dream realized!!!!!!
Mechs mechs mechs mechs mechs mechs mechs!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOT!
Comments excited, but try to make a title that helps everyone else know what you are talking about or it will more than likely be ignored.
My opinion: This will never happen with live beings in the mechs as we would all dream and robot battles have been a thing for as long as robots have. So biped Battlebots? Yes. Mechwarrior? sadly no.
I'll be honest. Before clicking on the link I thought it was MechWarrior thread and I sat here thinking, "but there is already a mechwarrior thread..."
Fixed it, but still, hype.

Just replace tank with mech.
America vs. Japan already happened twice it's tied 1-1.

Carli Llyod American Hero
This had better be playing in the background.
Can't wait to see how painfully slow and boring this will be.
Actually if you want to be technical. United States beat Japan in World Cup of Softball on Sunday as well. Making it 2-1.
Guess we can also count the 2012 olympics gold medal game too so 3-1 US.
More of the line of what happen this past Sunday. Thats all. =)
Actually if you want to be technical they are 2-1 in soccer because they beat Japan for the Olympic Gold
Actually this already happened.
Twice even!! Go Neo-Japan!!