PSA: The guild is not dying

When four core guild members all announce that they are stopping in the same day, it can look like drama.
I'm here to assure you that it's not. People come and go all the time; WoW is a game and when the game stops being fun and becomes a chore, it's time to stop for a while (or forever).
I want to assure the rest of the guild that we are in no way falling apart or stopping raiding. We've got fresh blood (hey Cyp, Ibby, Braticus, Totesadorbs, Sarstree!), we're going to make some role/roster changes to fill the gaps, and we'll continue our excellent progress through HFC. I've heard from a lot of people privately today that they are still having a blast, still look forward to raid nights, and are still very much enjoying raiding with IC.
I just want to make sure that those who are still having fun and still look forward to Sunday nights with Icrontic that this will not be going away.
Attrition is normal, especially when you get close to the end of the expansion.
So, as it stands, unless I let everybody know otherwise, we're still planning on our normal Sunday/Monday raid nights. We'll see you guys then
Can confirm. Not drama. Just late-expansion burnout. I still love all of you very much.
Also: It's summer. People are doing stuff. New games are out. People have moved, jobs have changed, kids have been had. The guild's been busy over the last two years
Also shipyards
Confirmed: No monkey business here. No drama at all. Too much on my plate at the moment.
That's bananas
Motion to repeel further banana jokes.
The motion is apeeling to me, but I'm afraid I must overrule it on grounds of de bonis non acuminatas.
What a bunch!
Still having a blast -- will miss Thrax, Church, Bear. and Ryanfodder -- please join us anytime you might feel like it
We have some new blood and we've been progressing well. We can do this!
Also looking forward to our double-pally tank wall of righteousness.
Hey, Icrontic! I'm turning into a panda bear and bringing my healing balls to your faces. Open wide!
Jobs... Sigh, that's been keeping me from gaming of any kind. If this keeps up much longer... I don't know, I'll be sad.
y u do dis