They're trying to put the Beer Fairy out of business

in Food & Drink
Meh, brackets are lame anyways. A real horizontal/vertical allows you to taste everything side by side.
Booooooo. Lame.
No Ryan Meray included, no buy.'s a printed tournament bracket, some cheap shot glasses, a couple plastic pitchers and pencils.
Sounds like something anyone can easily do with Paint and a couple bucks.
@RyanMM, your position as Beer Fairy looks to be in no danger from this Kickstarter.
Agreed, this is on the same plane as buying a prepackaged kit of ping pong balls and solo cups.
Don't forget the deluxe set that comes with a table.
They're going to become millionaires.
Awesome idea. And pretty nice packaging design too. I bet their margin on each kit is pretty sweet.
I don't play games with beer. This kit is a blatent violation of Man Law.
You're in no danger. The entire point of our tastings is the fact that they're curated by a master.
And that's what makes me the saddest.
Will to Beer RISING
The Kickstarter has six days left and they're still not funded.