Xubuntu to Windows 10

Hello again. sorry for the... lack of being on and participating in discussions. As we all know, windows 10 upgrade came out recently. My mother has windows 8.1 on her laptop and has a free upgrade thing that keeps popping up. I looked into it, and it allows me to download the upgrade onto a disc to install on multiple devices. Again, I have an HP Pavilion dv 1000 that originally had Windows XP, but is now running Xubuntu because i was having issues with the screen showing up. My question is.... with downloading this upgrade to a disc, and also running it onto my mothers computer, is there a way, or could i by any chance, upgrade from Xubuntu to windows 10, without having any major issues, or would i have to go and do a complete and total systems restore, back to factory settings... if i could figure out how to do it with the Xubuntu OS???
There is no "upgrading" from a Linux based OS to Windows and definitely not piggy backing off of your mother's install. They basically set it up to "call" home with information about the computer when you are setting up the upgrade and then it is able to register afterward. Your older computer would not match the info and would not register, which would result in you needing to purchase a license.
As far as "or would i have to go and do a complete and total systems restore, back to factory settings... if i could figure out how to do it with the Xubuntu OS???", I'm not sure what you are asking. Are you wanting to have an easy way to revert to Xubuntu as it stands today? That can be accomplished if you have a sufficiently large external HDD, but it isn't worth doing if they only reason you are thinking about it is trying to get W10 for free.
If you're asking if you could revert your box to XP to get free Windows 10, the answer is no because XP is not eligible for the free upgrade. Besides, it wouldn't be an upgrade from Xubuntu anyway.
Eh you're probably better off keeping xubuntu with a laptop that old.
alright. well, even if i can't upgrade to windows 10 on my laptop, at least i have a back up disc for my mom's laptop then.