----Trading Post Rules---- Read this before posting!

Icrontic has run a safe and efficient trading area for member-to-member deals since 2001. Please help us keep the Trading Post an excellent market by adhering to the rules.
1. The Buy, Sell, Trade (BST) forum is for private sales, trades, and purchases between Icrontic Forums members. Please, no business promotions.
2. All traders trading in the Icrontic BST are required to enable and make visible in their member profile's designated email area a standard, ISP-type address. The types of valid email addresses are as follows: ISP-provided (.net, .com), .edu, .org, and .mil addresses only. Generic POP forwarding accounts are prohibited. It is a requirement for all traders who sell, buy, or trade in BST to post an email address that complies with the above. Email accounts that are not valid for trading include, but are not limited to Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, MSN, AIM, Netscape, and any other "free" email service. The use of an email address from a personal domain is permitted. Posts submitted by traders whose profile email does not comply with this rule may be removed by the Icrontic staff.
3. You must have your Icrontic Private Messaging enabled in member Edit Options to buy, sell, or trade in the BST. Private transactions that require a buyer or seller to access a commercial site or 'store front' to pay or receive payment will not be allowed.
4. It is permissible to post links to commercial sales, but please be sure the offering you link to is truly top tier value. Icrontic doesn’t care if the Billy Bob at Billy Bob’s Online Wonderland is your brother or pal (or you!) If his gadgets aren’t exceptional in price, we don’t want to know about him or his goods in the BST. If any doubt about the considered link, please contact an Icrontic staff member.
5. The BST is for computers and computer-related items to include hardware, software, computer literature, and video gaming equipment and games. Digital photography equipment that can interface with common consumer model computers is also acceptable. Rule of thumb is that if the proposed trade item will interface with a computer or electronic gaming console that item is acceptable for trading. The BST is not a general purpose pawnshop and is not for items such as guitars, auto parts, or figurine collections. You may though, post prospective general item trades in The Pub forum.
6. Be courteous – no “thread crapping†(posting negative comments about price, the seller, or his product). If you disagree with a price, or with a buyer's or seller's claims, please notify that individual via Private Message or email. It is perfectly acceptable though, to leave positive remarks about an item or an individual. If you think a trader is being dishonest or is a security threat to forum members, I encourage you to immediately contact an Icrontic staff member.
7. Do not negotiate in the forum. Yes, these are private dealings, so negotiating is certainly in order, just not publicly in the forum. Please use Private Messaging or email messages for your bargaining. Negotiating includes posting replies to ‘want-to-buy’ postings with the price in the post. The thread originator should post a for-sale price if he is the seller and price limits for items he is wanting to purchase. The general rule here is that prices are mentioned in the first post of a thread; thereafter money talk is considered negotiation and is relegated to private discussion.
8. Post a price for your item. If your technowondergizmo won't move, you are always free to lower your price or withdraw the item from sale. There is nothing wrong with tagging your price with "OBO" (or best offer), but a price must be specified.
9. Sellers, once you have posted a price for an item, you may not raise it. If you discover a typo, that’s one thing; if you’ve changed your mind, please remove your thread or have the moderator remove it for you.
10. NO AUCTIONS, and NO LINKS to AUCTIONS are allowed. eBay and other entities do that. Our trading here is completely private - person to person and direct – without intermediary.
11. Do not use the BST as market research to ‘test the waters.’ If you don’t know a reasonable value for your item, look around at this and other Internet trading forums to learn the marketable price.
12. If your item sells, or if you find what you're looking for, please edit the thread title and your opening post so it is immediately clear to thread browsers that you your ad is satisified. In other words, mark the starting post in the thread as SOLD, FOUND, WITHDRAWN, or other notice. It is very frustrating to spend a lot of time considering an advertisement only to find out later after countless emails or PMs that the item is no longer available. This is a matter of basic courtesy.
13. The Icrontic staff reserves the right to remove any BST threads they deem inappropriate.
14. Do not openly (in an Icrontic Forums open thread) accuse anyone in the BST of dishonesty. If you do, you’d better have some cold, hard facts to back it up. (False statements could be legal cause for a charge of slander.) Take up disagreements in email or in Private Messaging. If you believe someone to be a potential menace to other Icrontic Forums members, please notify a staff member immediately. We take such information seriously and will act appropriately.
15. Please stay on topic. It’s fine to remark about products that are being sought or offered, just don’t go overboard. We do have very good hardware and software discussion forums as well at Icrontic . Use them for your detailed tech discussions.
16. WAREZ will not be offered or sought in this forum. Looking to buy or sell software? Please do! Just make sure that it’s the legal stuff. Do not trade in game keys or game site subscriptions unless it is permitted by the licensing game vendor or game site. Icrontic does not allow pornography sales or trades.
17. TRADING PARTIES ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TRADE AGREEMENTS MADE. Icrontic will not be held liable for any deals gone wrong. Please do your research prior to selling or buying and request references such as Heatware or eBay evaluations before finalizing any deal. Icrontic staff will only intervene under extreme circumstances, and then only to preserve the reputation and general security of Icrontic Forums.
18. You may not sell, buy, or trade for anything that is against the product's or service's Terms of Service. This includes most gaming accounts and virtual commodities in MMORPGs. In general, if the publisher or manufacturer doesn't allow it, neither will we.
19. Forums members must show a minimum of activity before being allowed to post in the BST. 'Minimum activity' is defined as five postings in the forums. (This is a security measure.)
I invite you to contact me or one of the administrators should you have any questions concerning these rules or any facet of the Buy, Sell, Trade forum.
These rules were devised to serve you, the Icrontic private traders. Observe the prescribed conduct and enjoy fun, efficient, and secure trading!
- Leonardo
Icrontic Adjudicator and Buy, Sell, Trade forum lead moderator
1. The Buy, Sell, Trade (BST) forum is for private sales, trades, and purchases between Icrontic Forums members. Please, no business promotions.
2. All traders trading in the Icrontic BST are required to enable and make visible in their member profile's designated email area a standard, ISP-type address. The types of valid email addresses are as follows: ISP-provided (.net, .com), .edu, .org, and .mil addresses only. Generic POP forwarding accounts are prohibited. It is a requirement for all traders who sell, buy, or trade in BST to post an email address that complies with the above. Email accounts that are not valid for trading include, but are not limited to Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, MSN, AIM, Netscape, and any other "free" email service. The use of an email address from a personal domain is permitted. Posts submitted by traders whose profile email does not comply with this rule may be removed by the Icrontic staff.
3. You must have your Icrontic Private Messaging enabled in member Edit Options to buy, sell, or trade in the BST. Private transactions that require a buyer or seller to access a commercial site or 'store front' to pay or receive payment will not be allowed.
4. It is permissible to post links to commercial sales, but please be sure the offering you link to is truly top tier value. Icrontic doesn’t care if the Billy Bob at Billy Bob’s Online Wonderland is your brother or pal (or you!) If his gadgets aren’t exceptional in price, we don’t want to know about him or his goods in the BST. If any doubt about the considered link, please contact an Icrontic staff member.
5. The BST is for computers and computer-related items to include hardware, software, computer literature, and video gaming equipment and games. Digital photography equipment that can interface with common consumer model computers is also acceptable. Rule of thumb is that if the proposed trade item will interface with a computer or electronic gaming console that item is acceptable for trading. The BST is not a general purpose pawnshop and is not for items such as guitars, auto parts, or figurine collections. You may though, post prospective general item trades in The Pub forum.
6. Be courteous – no “thread crapping†(posting negative comments about price, the seller, or his product). If you disagree with a price, or with a buyer's or seller's claims, please notify that individual via Private Message or email. It is perfectly acceptable though, to leave positive remarks about an item or an individual. If you think a trader is being dishonest or is a security threat to forum members, I encourage you to immediately contact an Icrontic staff member.
7. Do not negotiate in the forum. Yes, these are private dealings, so negotiating is certainly in order, just not publicly in the forum. Please use Private Messaging or email messages for your bargaining. Negotiating includes posting replies to ‘want-to-buy’ postings with the price in the post. The thread originator should post a for-sale price if he is the seller and price limits for items he is wanting to purchase. The general rule here is that prices are mentioned in the first post of a thread; thereafter money talk is considered negotiation and is relegated to private discussion.
8. Post a price for your item. If your technowondergizmo won't move, you are always free to lower your price or withdraw the item from sale. There is nothing wrong with tagging your price with "OBO" (or best offer), but a price must be specified.
9. Sellers, once you have posted a price for an item, you may not raise it. If you discover a typo, that’s one thing; if you’ve changed your mind, please remove your thread or have the moderator remove it for you.
10. NO AUCTIONS, and NO LINKS to AUCTIONS are allowed. eBay and other entities do that. Our trading here is completely private - person to person and direct – without intermediary.
11. Do not use the BST as market research to ‘test the waters.’ If you don’t know a reasonable value for your item, look around at this and other Internet trading forums to learn the marketable price.
12. If your item sells, or if you find what you're looking for, please edit the thread title and your opening post so it is immediately clear to thread browsers that you your ad is satisified. In other words, mark the starting post in the thread as SOLD, FOUND, WITHDRAWN, or other notice. It is very frustrating to spend a lot of time considering an advertisement only to find out later after countless emails or PMs that the item is no longer available. This is a matter of basic courtesy.
13. The Icrontic staff reserves the right to remove any BST threads they deem inappropriate.
14. Do not openly (in an Icrontic Forums open thread) accuse anyone in the BST of dishonesty. If you do, you’d better have some cold, hard facts to back it up. (False statements could be legal cause for a charge of slander.) Take up disagreements in email or in Private Messaging. If you believe someone to be a potential menace to other Icrontic Forums members, please notify a staff member immediately. We take such information seriously and will act appropriately.
15. Please stay on topic. It’s fine to remark about products that are being sought or offered, just don’t go overboard. We do have very good hardware and software discussion forums as well at Icrontic . Use them for your detailed tech discussions.
16. WAREZ will not be offered or sought in this forum. Looking to buy or sell software? Please do! Just make sure that it’s the legal stuff. Do not trade in game keys or game site subscriptions unless it is permitted by the licensing game vendor or game site. Icrontic does not allow pornography sales or trades.
17. TRADING PARTIES ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TRADE AGREEMENTS MADE. Icrontic will not be held liable for any deals gone wrong. Please do your research prior to selling or buying and request references such as Heatware or eBay evaluations before finalizing any deal. Icrontic staff will only intervene under extreme circumstances, and then only to preserve the reputation and general security of Icrontic Forums.
18. You may not sell, buy, or trade for anything that is against the product's or service's Terms of Service. This includes most gaming accounts and virtual commodities in MMORPGs. In general, if the publisher or manufacturer doesn't allow it, neither will we.
19. Forums members must show a minimum of activity before being allowed to post in the BST. 'Minimum activity' is defined as five postings in the forums. (This is a security measure.)
I invite you to contact me or one of the administrators should you have any questions concerning these rules or any facet of the Buy, Sell, Trade forum.
These rules were devised to serve you, the Icrontic private traders. Observe the prescribed conduct and enjoy fun, efficient, and secure trading!
- Leonardo
Icrontic Adjudicator and Buy, Sell, Trade forum lead moderator

This discussion has been closed.
2. "All traders trading in the Short-Media DDTP are required to enable and make visible in their profile's designated email area a standard, ISP-type address. The types of valid email addresses are as follows: ISP-provided, .edu, and .mil addresses only. Generic POP forwarding accounts are prohibited. It is now a requirement for all traders who sell, buy, or trade in DDTP to post an email address that complies with the above. Email accounts that are not valid for trading include, but are not limited to Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, MSN, AIM, Netscape, and any other "free" email service. The use of an email address from a personal domain is permitted. Posts submitted by traders whose profile email does not comply with this rule may be removed by the Short-Media staff.
Clarification of negotiation provided in rule No. 7.
Comments and questions are always welcomed. You contact me, Leonardo via private message.
The trading post rules are UNCHANGED.