this gentleman hooked us up with a nice PGA Golf timepiece last year for the golfing event, and this year sent me a box of golf goodies including twelve 3-pack of golf balls along with an assortment of other golfing items. he is even throwing in a "big prize" I don't know about yet, so make sure you thank him.
That or the drawing will be rigged so the favored children of Icrontic take home all the loot :rolleyes2
You weren't even there that year Besides, they've been put to good use - the XBox and speakers they won are the very same ones you clowns all use at ICHQ.
this gentleman hooked us up with a nice PGA Golf timepiece last year for the golfing event, and this year sent me a box of golf goodies including twelve 3-pack of golf balls along with an assortment of other golfing items. he is even throwing in a "big prize" I don't know about yet, so make sure you thank him.
Thank-you Prime
I'm just giving back to Icrontic ,
GLAD to be a part of Icrontic.:)
Don't worry about it. Sumo was fun for a while, then came the kthxbye that just sometimes happens with companies.
Does the lady come with the bean bag? If so, I'm in for one.
This is the first time that I have ever seen Thrax close to wrong. Also, 3 5800s .... do want!
and I'm glad Sumo sees it our way
Those jerks!
I'm pretty sure AMD would like to use those cards to specifically support Icrontians in uniform past and present...