Totally irrelevant (as many things that float through my mind), but Froyo.... worst product name ever. Its cute for the sake of cute... Its kind of like that dude that insists on turning in his paper typed in comic sans, you just can't take it seriously. Hey, whats the most advanced smart phone OS on the planet? Froyo.... Its just stupid, I hate the name, it just grates my nerves for some reason.
If I were king, you would only be allowed to refer to it properly as Android 2.2. A nice nerdy proper name for an OS if you ask me, Froyo, its like a nine year old girl came up with that after playing with her imaginary friends....
I think Droid as a platform is sweet, but their marketplace is a total disaster...
Even as an admitted Android, I admit this comment baffles me. How is it a disaster? It's growing by leaps and bounds, it's easily searchable, and has all the apps you could want.
Search for an app by company.. look for FiFA good luck finding the right one. The entire Droid marketplace is a mess for developers. Sure it allows any app to be on there, but not dev friendly. For every 1 good app there is 3 shitty apps clustering the hell out of the marketplace.
The other huge issue is not all Droid devices are capable of running every program. With so many new devices rolling out its impossible to stop certain people from getting apps that wont run on those lower end droid based phones. Even if games are coded for certain phones the new droid updates break those code placements.
Totally irrelevant (as many things that float through my mind), but Froyo.... worst product name ever. Its cute for the sake of cute... Its kind of like that dude that insists on turning in his paper typed in comic sans, you just can't take it seriously. Hey, whats the most advanced smart phone OS on the planet? Froyo.... Its just stupid, I hate the name, it just grates my nerves for some reason.
If I were king, you would only be allowed to refer to it properly as Android 2.2. A nice nerdy proper name for an OS if you ask me, Froyo, its like a nine year old girl came up with that after playing with her imaginary friends....
It's a codename. The real and proper name is Android 2.2, which is what you will find cited in any official material from carriers and phone manufacturers.
To add to what is being said about the codenames, ABCDEF. Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, and Froyo have all been public codenames. I forget what rumors are for G, but I was very sad that they didn't call F Flan.
To add to what is being said about the codenames, ABCDEF. Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, and Froyo have all been public codenames. I forget what rumors are for G, but I was very sad that they didn't call F Flan.
Another word to those installing... after mine installed and rebooted it spent about 5 minutes.... and then another 5-10 minutes being slow. So be prepared to just let it sit for a while if yours does this.
Does anyone know if that whole streaming music thing is working on this yet? I checked for settings in the music app and didn't see anything :/
If I were king, you would only be allowed to refer to it properly as Android 2.2. A nice nerdy proper name for an OS if you ask me, Froyo, its like a nine year old girl came up with that after playing with her imaginary friends....
Even as an admitted Android, I admit this comment baffles me. How is it a disaster? It's growing by leaps and bounds, it's easily searchable, and has all the apps you could want.
Cupcake, donut, Frozen Yogurt (FroYo)...
The other huge issue is not all Droid devices are capable of running every program. With so many new devices rolling out its impossible to stop certain people from getting apps that wont run on those lower end droid based phones. Even if games are coded for certain phones the new droid updates break those code placements.
It's a codename. The real and proper name is Android 2.2, which is what you will find cited in any official material from carriers and phone manufacturers.
I installed this last night.
Another word to those installing... after mine installed and rebooted it spent about 5 minutes.... and then another 5-10 minutes being slow. So be prepared to just let it sit for a while if yours does this.
Does anyone know if that whole streaming music thing is working on this yet? I checked for settings in the music app and didn't see anything :/
:mad2: <---- Hates adorable OS names!!