Missing the point, independent developers can now create games on a console for money, it motivates us to do more work.
Also, missing the point about playing 'mobile' games on the television. Sure, android market is mobile touch screen only games, but think of all of the games that developers will make using the controller? It's a dream come true for us, because now we can play our work on the big screen with a traditional controller.
Also it makes all of the games availabe to anyone, and will actually create a real market for us.
I received an OUYA early backer console a few weeks ago and today I came across this article. Ironically I was reading an article describing objective and subjective truth and how it applies to the media world today. The writer of this featurette either was hard pressed for argument or got up with a chip on his shoulder the day they wrote it. At that time it would be nearly impossible to know anything about the OUYA. Prefacing my comments with the disclaimer I am a rank amateur, I will give the ten points a go: 1. I can't imagine the writer of this could possibly know what price Nvidia would sell the Tegra chip set for if one dedicated an order of this magnitude. Not to mention costs always drop as a technology ages. 2.Again, how could the writer know the "buy in" in a brand new market. I'm going to guess you can't know how games will or will not monetize having not even seen an OUYA at the time of this articles writing. 3.Oh, right open source makes pirating easier... So what platform is pirate proof? 4.If "VG" means video gaming, then I think that is the premise of the OUYA, to break the mold so to speak. We already have the big 3 consoles out there and all the commercialization to boot. Think in terms of Internet Explorer vs. Firefox (OUYA being like Firefox) 5.Again, at the time of the writing of this article, the OUYA wasn't even officially in development, what exactly would the devs be targeting for their games to be on? I can't imagine the port cost from cell phone to OUYA being $100k+ , from other languages, possibly. 6.Hello... $99 and the OUYA will be USB external storage compatible along with sd cards. I hope the writer understands the OUYA isn't trying to be an Xbox, PS3, or Wii. Just a great alternative. 7.Watch the sales and you will. 8.DUH. What's your point, you just said they were (in your opinion) over-funded. 9.At the time of writing the writer hadn't a clue of where the OUYA's would be distributed, the OUYA peeps probably didn't either, but it will be available in many mainstream electronic store venues. I refer to the OUYA.tv website. 10. I was never a fan of the 3DO, or Betamax either, again, what's you're point?
To me the writer of this article is being very "subjective" in their criticisms of the OUYA. I would hope in our beloved country we could be at least a little optimistic, and give the benefit of the doubt to a product that hadn't even been built at the time of the critique. I would think with all the anger at "the man" demonstrated in the occupy movement, something outside the box would be welcomed with open arms?
In addition, after reading the bio for Mr. Dent, I dare say he may be displaying a little hostility toward a kickstarter project that could have potentially been a Dent Enterprises client... Nonetheless he is knee deep in a market controlled by big money and as such can force the direction. I'll say it again, I love to see anyone try something outside the box.
I think the detractors of the OUYA are missing the point.
The OUYA is not competing for the same audience that plays HALO and Ratchet and Clank. It's an open platform for more straight forward games for a different audience. The original Wii brought gaming to a new segment, I believe the OUYA will continue to expand the audience.
I think the gamer that is not being catered to right now is the working guy / gal, that remembers playing on consoles before they got complicated. What the OUYA is is a souped up SNES/Genesis like experience with a boat load of possibilities outside of gaming if you want it.
Because it's open and on the android platform the apps that come out for this thing should be exciting. Think about all the apps you would like connected to your home theater, your TV, your speakers without having to tether your phone and expel its valuable battery.
Remember how excited everyone was for the boxee box? Well the OUYA is only $99, fully open, has some developer support for a few pretty cool looking games. It's a completely open Boxee like platform with games.
It's amazing to me, you browse around on forums. You have Xbox fans completely miffed it's a closed platform, I can't sell my games, boo hoo, it checks my connection daily, boo hoo, draconian DRM, waaahhhhh!!!! Then many of the same people dis the OUYA for not having a conventional enough approach?
For ninety nine bucks the OUYA is fucking awesome.
The Raspberry Pi is nothing like the OUYA. The Pi is cool in it's own way, but it has no controller, no software platform of it's own. The Pi is a toy for smart kids. The OUYA is an open media hub for everyone, as well as a toy for smart kids that want to root it.
I can't begin to understand why anyone would be opposed to what the OUYA is attempting? It's so full of possibility.
I understand some skepticism. That I get, but if you look around online it seems like gamers want it to fail. Like they are afraid of it being successful for some reason? I can't begin to understand it.
The Pi is much more than a toy for smart kids. It's a platform that you can use for all kinds of projects (if I had the time and desire, I'd get one and use it to deploy some home automation type things). That said, the Pi is way underpowered when it comes to gaming or media applications. Yes, it can run XBMC, but if your movies aren't in just the right format so that the hardware acceleration works it's pretty much useless (or that has been the reports I've seen).
Also, missing the point about playing 'mobile' games on the television. Sure, android market is mobile touch screen only games, but think of all of the games that developers will make using the controller? It's a dream come true for us, because now we can play our work on the big screen with a traditional controller.
Also it makes all of the games availabe to anyone, and will actually create a real market for us.
1. I can't imagine the writer of this could possibly know what price Nvidia would sell the Tegra chip set for if one dedicated an order of this magnitude. Not to mention costs always drop as a technology ages.
2.Again, how could the writer know the "buy in" in a brand new market. I'm going to guess you can't know how games will or will not monetize having not even seen an OUYA at the time of this articles writing.
3.Oh, right open source makes pirating easier... So what platform is pirate proof?
4.If "VG" means video gaming, then I think that is the premise of the OUYA, to break the mold so to speak. We already have the big 3 consoles out there and all the commercialization to boot. Think in terms of Internet Explorer vs. Firefox (OUYA being like Firefox)
5.Again, at the time of the writing of this article, the OUYA wasn't even officially in development, what exactly would the devs be targeting for their games to be on? I can't imagine the port cost from cell phone to OUYA being $100k+ , from other languages, possibly.
6.Hello... $99 and the OUYA will be USB external storage compatible along with sd cards. I hope the writer understands the OUYA isn't trying to be an Xbox, PS3, or Wii. Just a great alternative.
7.Watch the sales and you will.
8.DUH. What's your point, you just said they were (in your opinion) over-funded.
9.At the time of writing the writer hadn't a clue of where the OUYA's would be distributed, the OUYA peeps probably didn't either, but it will be available in many mainstream electronic store venues. I refer to the OUYA.tv website.
10. I was never a fan of the 3DO, or Betamax either, again, what's you're point?
To me the writer of this article is being very "subjective" in their criticisms of the OUYA. I would hope in our beloved country we could be at least a little optimistic, and give the benefit of the doubt to a product that hadn't even been built at the time of the critique. I would think with all the anger at "the man" demonstrated in the occupy movement, something outside the box would be welcomed with open arms?
The OUYA is not competing for the same audience that plays HALO and Ratchet and Clank. It's an open platform for more straight forward games for a different audience. The original Wii brought gaming to a new segment, I believe the OUYA will continue to expand the audience.
I think the gamer that is not being catered to right now is the working guy / gal, that remembers playing on consoles before they got complicated. What the OUYA is is a souped up SNES/Genesis like experience with a boat load of possibilities outside of gaming if you want it.
Because it's open and on the android platform the apps that come out for this thing should be exciting. Think about all the apps you would like connected to your home theater, your TV, your speakers without having to tether your phone and expel its valuable battery.
Remember how excited everyone was for the boxee box? Well the OUYA is only $99, fully open, has some developer support for a few pretty cool looking games. It's a completely open Boxee like platform with games.
It's amazing to me, you browse around on forums. You have Xbox fans completely miffed it's a closed platform, I can't sell my games, boo hoo, it checks my connection daily, boo hoo, draconian DRM, waaahhhhh!!!!
For ninety nine bucks the OUYA is fucking awesome.
I can't begin to understand why anyone would be opposed to what the OUYA is attempting? It's so full of possibility.
I understand some skepticism. That I get, but if you look around online it seems like gamers want it to fail. Like they are afraid of it being successful for some reason? I can't begin to understand it.