Dead 8800 GTX scienced to undeath by oven, mad owner



  • CantiCanti =/= smalltime Icrontian
    Cookies are done!
  • RyanFodderRyanFodder Detroit, MI Icrontian
    Did it work?
  • CantiCanti =/= smalltime Icrontian
    Cooling off right now, also don't have a machine to put it in right now. I might try it in mine during school break in about 2 weeks but really don't have the time or desire to rip my computer apart right now. Will let you know.
  • I rebaked my 8800GTS. This is the second time having to do it, but both times it worked.
    I rebaked it the first time at 400*F for 10 minutes the first time. I baked it at 365*F For 14 minutes the second time. Hopefully this one lasts longer.
  • Very happy to hear this method is working. Like most, I have a computer (Dell XPS 720 H2C) that came with 2x 8800GTX's in SLI. After Dell warranty having to replace them FOUR TIMES over several years use, I know find myself with elapsed warranty and two dead video cards. I am ready to try the EASY BAKE method, but have a slight hesitation. I know my computer still works because I installed a cheap $25 card to get it running and test. It still works (I thought the MOBO may have been fried). Anyway, I am a little concerned about the safety/potential of further ruining my computer (frying the MOBO or something) by putting in a BAKED 8800GTX and it causing a power surge or something. Can anyone give me any instances where such a thing has happened, or has everyone had pretty good results with this method? I know some people report the bake method did nothing, but at least it didn't kill their MOBO. Thanks for any help. I know this thread is rather old.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    Worst case, the GPU flat out dies and that's the end of it. You've really nothing to lose but time.

    On the other hand, today's $139 GPUs are (significantly) faster than SLI 8800 GTX, so you have to ask yourself how much more time and effort you're willing to put into something you could fix for a spot of money.
  • I understand I can get another GPU, and probably will at some point. I'm a bit strapped for cash at the moment. Right now, I'm just wanting to see if this proceedure will actually work and get a little extra use out of my two 8800 GTX's, but just don't want to ruin my computer that is working properly right now. So, is it possible to hurt the MOBO when using a baked video card?
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    It's possible, I suppose, but the probability is vanishing.
  • how about if I use my toaster oven (on the porch) to elimate smell inside and wife getting mad if I use big oven? Will toaster oven do the job as well? It's got digital settings and has convection fan as well. Sound good?
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    Never tried a toaster oven, but the smell in a real oven is especially minimal. Done ovens don't even produce a smell.

    In theory, there's no difference between a toaster oven or an oven for the purposes of this project, though.
  • I am happy to report that I am making this entry using my freshly baked 8800GTX. It works! I used my toaster oven out on the porch like I said. Baked at 385 for about 9 minutes, turning the convection fan on every other minute or so, for a minute or so. I was concerned that the fan would cause too high of a temperature on parts of the card closest to it. After 9 minutes, I turned off oven and let sit a few minutes. Then propped the door open an inch and let it come down in temperature while I went and did other stuff. About an hour later, I reassembled and reinserted to my mainboard. Everything fired up just fine. I just finished installing the latest Catalyst Drivers from Nvidia and everything seems to be working just fine. I will cook my second card tomorrow and see if I can get them running in SLI again. I suppose the big question now is, how long will this "fix" last? Anybody out there have any ideas? How long have your cards been running after being baked?
  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    People on this very forum have baked and bad variable results from over a year to a few months and successive rebaking with less time to failure. Budget yourself up to a $150 ish price point card.
  • BandrikBandrik Elkhart, IN Icrontian
    edited October 2013
    Congrats on a successful procedure! Though I agree with @Tushon: it's a duct-taped bandage to keep you hobbling forward. Don't count on it lasting.

    In the meantime, how are those Catalyst drivers from Nvidia treating you? :D
  • catalyst working okay I guess. I have a display. Can't argue with that. I just downloaded whatever the latest version was. Haven't tried playing any games yet. Still working on the second card.
  • AlexDeGruvenAlexDeGruven Wut? Meechigan Icrontian
    @Thrax - When did you guys start supporting nVidia GPUs?
  • I'm planning on getting a replacement card at Christmas. Since I have BTX MOBO with pciExpress x16 (1.0) slots, what nvidia card(s) would be best to get in place of the 8800GTX's in SLI. I figure one new card would outperform the 8800's in SLI. Don't want to go over $200 - $250 if possible. I'm running this in a Dell XPS 720 H2c, Intel Core 2 Extreme Q6800 @ 2.93 Ghz (can overclock to 3.4 Ghz with H2C system), 4 Gigs Ram, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, 4x SATA 750 Gb HDDs in RAID 5 array (1.99 Tb)
  • BandrikBandrik Elkhart, IN Icrontian
    edited October 2013
    Consider buying during the sales after Thanksgiving -- the Black Friday / Cyber Monday stuff. Check Newegg, TigerDirect,, etc. Might snag a good deal on a card you're already looking to get.

    Catalyst is AMD's (formerly ATi) display driver suite, not nVidia's. We were poking fun at you a little bit. :)
  • I will keep my eyes out. I got some good deals last year at that time. I'd still like a suggestions as to which card to get (nvidia preferably) to replace the 8800GTX's? Oh, by the way, I'm typing this entry using my SECOND 8800GTX that I just finished baking. Looking good so far. Next step is to put both cards in and see if they work in SLI. Then on to my next project: resurrecting my neighbors HP g60-535DX laptop that would not start for them. They bought a new laptop and gave me the dead one to tinker with. I'm hoping I can figure out why it won't start. When plugged in, the little light by the power jack shows it is getting power. But when button is pushed, nothing. I've done all the suggested methods, unplug, remove batt, push and hold button, try and restart, but nothing. I'm wondering if a little fun in the sun (baking) would fix things? Anyone know anything about these particular laptop and their issues?
  • Here's a question for ya. I have both 8800 GTX's installed and running. I even installed an 80mm Antec 3 speed fan i just sat at the front end of the two to help blow cool air across the cards. Bad design of MOBO places them right on top of each other with about 1/4" gap. Overheating very easy. Anyway, I forgot to install the SLI bridge. I can shut down and take care of that, but what happens if I don't? Does the second card help in any way if it is NOT connected to the first card with the SLI bridge connector? Just curious if it really matters. Games have to be written to make use of SLI anyway right, to get any benefit from them, or am I wrong?
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    If no bridge, then second card is useless.
  • BandrikBandrik Elkhart, IN Icrontian
    edited October 2013
    I have a similar situation with a dead laptop. Matches your description. While you can try taking out EVERYTHING removable (memory, hard drive, wifi card, batt, etc etc etc) and seeing if it will even turn on at all with A/C connected.

    If not, it's possible it's a power issue, but most likely I'd say you have a bad motherboard. Either it's fried, or a main chip on it went bad (like the southbridge, or whatever equivalent your laptop may have in it). At that point, while you can buy a replacement motherboard, it's probably not worth it as cheap as newer laptops are these days.
  • Okay, the cards seem to be working fine still, but I'm concerned about them overheating again due to this poorly designed mobo layout. What temps would be considered normal operating temp for CPU's and GPU's or even hard drives? What temps would be normal for the GPU's under heavy load in a game? I've installed Hardware Monitor to keep track of the temps. Anyone have a suggestion for a better temperature monitor for the computer?
  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian

    take a look at the first result and you can extrapolate from there :)

    Hardware Monitor is fine, another good one is CoreTemp, though I don't recall what all it keeps track of off the top of my head.
  • AlexDeGruvenAlexDeGruven Wut? Meechigan Icrontian
    I don't think CoreTemp pulls GPU Temps.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    GPU-Z does, though.
  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    There we go. That's what I was thinking of and couldn't verify due to work firewall crap
  • BandrikBandrik Elkhart, IN Icrontian

    What temps would be considered normal operating temp for CPU's and GPU's or even hard drives? What temps would be normal for the GPU's under heavy load in a game?

    I'm not as much as an expert as the others in this thread, but here's my opinion on temps based on asking others in the past, as well as my own personal "comfort" levels with my rig.

    First, the GPU will run significantly hotter than the CPU from my experience under full load. Often, I see temps idle around 30-45 for both CPU and GPU depending on the type of computer setup (desktop vs laptop) and ambient temperature around you. I'd say normal operation (up to medium loads) could get you to 50-60 without being worried. Gaming full-tilt, a GPU can get up to 85-90 and I wouldn't start freaking out yet, though I wouldn't be content with it. If it breaks 100 (I have a laptop that does that, and it scares me) then you should definitely take steps to improve cooling.

    Naturally, lower numbers are better. While a GPU can probably "handle" getting to 90+, I'd consider putting another fan in your case somewhere to help it out. Easy ways to lower temps:

    • Clean out dust, unclog any fan filters
    • Tidy up the cables in your case to promote better airflow
    • Move your rig away from heat sources, and in a more ventilated area
    • Make the room you're in colder
    • Buy and install more fans in your case, and install in a way that pushes air through the case without conflicting air currents
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2013
    75-85C is perfectly normal for 24/7 safe operation of a GPU.

    Intel CPUs are designed to safely operate at up to 85C for 24/7 operation.

    AMD CPUs are designed to safely operate at up to 55C 24/7 operation.
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