AT&T or Verizon, and what phone?

Hey guys,
So, I was all set to switch to T-Mo from Sprint (Sprint sucks, and my phone with them is super broken), but unfortunately it looks like in the area I'm moving to (which I'll talk about more later) T-Mo only has 2g. Apparently there, the best options for cell carriers are AT&T or Verizon. So which one do you think would be better? I'd prefer Verizon I think, but I've heard it's the most expensive. And what phone? Was going to go with the Nexus 5 on T-Mo, is that still what I should pick with the others?
Thanks guyyyys.
So, I was all set to switch to T-Mo from Sprint (Sprint sucks, and my phone with them is super broken), but unfortunately it looks like in the area I'm moving to (which I'll talk about more later) T-Mo only has 2g. Apparently there, the best options for cell carriers are AT&T or Verizon. So which one do you think would be better? I'd prefer Verizon I think, but I've heard it's the most expensive. And what phone? Was going to go with the Nexus 5 on T-Mo, is that still what I should pick with the others?
Thanks guyyyys.
I have Verizon myself I'll just say it's less that Verizon is "good" and more like "get pretty much anything that -isn't- AT&T".
Before you make the leap, though, look into StraightTalk or Simple Mobile.
Then again, AT&T is paid for by my employer so it doesn't really matter much to me.
You'll save a TON of money over the lifetime of your contract versus doing it ANY other way.
AT&T: more phone choices, can take your phone elsewhere thanks to GSM. Evil corporation. Dicks.
Try your damnedest to avoid going on a contract. You can buy a phone used or even new on Swappa and keep the peace of mind that you can bail at any time. If you go Verizon now and decide to go GSM later, you can always sell your Verizon phone on Swappa for free -- they take no share, though PayPal does take some.
Phone choice is very subjective to your tastes and needs. Here's some ideas for AT&T phones:
Google Nexus 4: Good phone, great value price, smaller. But a little older specs.
Google Nexus 5: Great phone, best value (cost vs performance), bigger than N4. Get on Google Play store.
LG G2: Very similar to Nexus 5 (both by LG)... so just get the N5 and save money.
Samsung Galaxy S4: Very good phone, get on for $400. But has Samsung TouchWiz interface and S5 coming soon.
Samsung Galaxy Note 3: Excellent phone. Good for drawing and note taking. Big. Expensive. Uses TouchWiz.
HTC One: Very good phone, comparable to S4. Uses HTC Sense interface. Metal rounded case. Good low-light camera.
Sony Xperia Z1: Excellent phone, great camera. Waterproof design for underwater photos. Comes in Purple.
iPhone 5S: LOL iPhone.
Nokia Whatever: Nice camera, decent phones. If you're into Windows. I guess.
If you go Verizon, list is the same, just drop the Nexus 4, N5, and Xperia Z1.
Its price is a little high for the specs, but there's a special going on. On Monday 12/9 at noon EST you can go to their online store and snag one contract-free for $400 (be sure to use that link for the deal). Definitely worth considering.
Plus, worst case scenario, you just dump Ting sell the phone and go elsewhere since they don't do contracts. At all. Ever.
Oh yeah, and if you get a Nexus 5 from the Google Play store, you can use it on Ting. Should you not like Ting, you can cancel it, do a carrier reset on the N5 and take it to AT&T, one of the AT&T MVNOs, or T-Mo.