I'd have started another one already, but I didn't know how the first one was going. My team was first out, and I lost track of the goings on after that.
Set up will be the same as the previous Twin Flames game, except perhaps smaller map has been suggested.
Should we pick teams randomly this time, or did you guys like getting to select your own twin?
Post if you want in. I'll make some assumptions from above:
Next step is for each team to choose their nationality. Remember that both players must be the same. There is no restriction on how many teams can choose the same nationality.
Also note: I've decided to add cultural victory to the options, since BNW makes that victory more like conquering, and less like racing to build a thing.
I was planning on making the game right away, but GMR is traveling to borktown right now, so I'll hold off until we're ready to go, and hope the return trip comes sooner than later.
In the bleak landscape of the minor outlying island of nofood, the inferior Germans have founded their capital city, "Ach, Mein Gonade." Bring on the pain!
I'd have started another one already, but I didn't know how the first one was going. My team was first out, and I lost track of the goings on after that.
Set up will be the same as the previous Twin Flames game, except perhaps smaller map has been suggested.
Should we pick teams randomly this time, or did you guys like getting to select your own twin?
Post if you want in. I'll make some assumptions from above:
Team 1 - Venice
Team 2 - Germany
Team 3 - Carthage
Team 3 - Also Germany
In with @Basil but absolutely cool if everyone prefers to go random
I'm definitely in for Round 2. I am fine with whatever we decide for teams (random or selected.)
I suppose I can just random.org the teams.
Should we go with just these six or wait for two more players?
I'll join
I can join as well
Sweet. I'll random the teams tonight and let you know so you can choose your civs.
Teams have been randomed.
Next step is for each team to choose their nationality. Remember that both players must be the same. There is no restriction on how many teams can choose the same nationality.
Also note: I've decided to add cultural victory to the options, since BNW makes that victory more like conquering, and less like racing to build a thing.
What's the map type and other settings?
Mostly the same as before. There was a request to lower the map size, and I see no reason not to. That makes it:
Medieval Era
Tiny Islands
Standard Size
Quick Pace
Raging Barbs
More CSs than usual
OK. Are we playing just BNW, or other DLCs as well?
All DLCs. I'm pretty sure everyone has them all by now. If someone is missing some, they should speak up quick, so we know who not to choose.
Thanks for getting this going, @CB!
I'll PM @MrTRiot to do super-sekrit strategizing and we can get back to you on the Civ choice.
I'm missing a few of the DLCs
Can you be more specific?
I have GNK, BNW, Mongols/Khan, and Polynesia among some random map packs.
Okay. If someone wants to be something not on your list, they might buy you the expansion for it.
Otherwise, we'll stick to that limit.
OK, should we expect game invites or choose our Civ first?
I was planning on making the game right away, but GMR is traveling to borktown right now, so I'll hold off until we're ready to go, and hope the return trip comes sooner than later.
Game is up, and you've all been invited to it. I'll rearrange the player order when everyone is in.
In and Civ'd.
Post here when you're double sure that you've made your final team civ selection. We'll start when everyone is ready.
Double sure.
@Basil and I are double sure. Ready to commence SaltLife™
@MrTRoit and I are double sure. Time to show who's the superior German race!
* Because GHoosdum and Tushon are also Germany. It's not a Nazi joke. This time.
Starting the game now, then.
In the bleak landscape of the minor outlying island of nofood, the inferior Germans have founded their capital city, "Ach, Mein Gonade." Bring on the pain!
Germany shall prevail!
Enjoy your sausages, beers, and casualties.