Brotherhood of the traveling razor.
The first DE razor that I ever purchased was a Merkur 23C "Long Handle Classic" and even though the razor has a great reputation, I've only achieved mediocre results with the razor. It's almost like there's a slight difference in how aggressively one side of the razor shaves vs. the other. Since I get consistently great shaves with my 1974 Gillette Superspeed, I've discontinued using the LHC almost altogether.
Rather than let it waste away in my bathroom cabinet, I've decided to try something novel, and pass it around to my fellow Icrontians.
My expectations are as follows:
- Shave with it for a while and remember your impressions.
- Sanitize it.
- Pass it on to the next Icrontian.
- Whoever has it in June make sure it appears at Expo, preferably with you.
- Everyone who used it and is at Expo meets up to share impressions.
I call this the 'Brotherhood of the traveling razor.'
Post "in" if you're interested in participating. Whoever is in first will receive it from me, freshly cleaned and sanitized with barbicide.
There will be a badge.
Real men don't shave, real men just trim.
You can just shave Dan's face.
Stay out of my personal life.
Women can be brothers in shaving on Icrontic... I didn't intend for this to be an exclusive thing. It's just that "brotherhood" sounded better in context than "personhood." @Teramona is our brother too!
i have read that DE shaving is difficult on legs, and while i have never tried it myself, women should make note and take caution if trying it for the first time.
I've already received the warning text from my husband.
I see you know how the game is played around here.
It's a game some of us have been playing for years now.
Long before there were vibrating razors with lotion strips, ladies shaved their legs and other bits with the same tools dudes did.

@BuddyJ I may be a man but no way in hell am I taking a DE or shit even a regular safety razor to my gibblies.
Seriously, if @Teramona gets that razor, the aftermath will probably look like the set of an Icrontic-themed episode of Jackass.
There has to be at least one person joining in on this upon whom a bestowment of a straight razor would be recklessly irresponsible. I fill roles as needed.
It's a DE, not a straight. Seeing as how I'm one of the clumsiest people I know, I have yet to build the stomach to try a straight on myself.
well since i wanted to do both, i clicked one and typed the other.
I wasnt suggesting it hasnt been done, just that ive read that its harder to shave body parts with a DE than the face.
I'll give it a shot. In.
In! [pause] Though... I do not know the way.
If any of the guys are trying this for the first time, this is a pretty good learning tool. its a long read, but thorough, and its how i learned when i first made the switch.
PS: Sorry ladie(s) i dont know of any resources specifically for you, but it might still help with general technique.
I would just like to say that as of my last comment in this thread, I have knifed a swath of pain through my left thumb whilst preparing dinner.
Or two people! I volunteer as tribute!
so a DE razor standes for double edge, and is the same thing as a safety razor...although there was a period when cartridge razors just started out that they were referred to as safety razors as well.
is there a thread about different shaving creams, preshave, and post shave products?
Question: Does the holder of the razor have to shave their face?
Question: how does one properly sanitize the razor?
Given @Teramona's and @GnomeQueen's participation, I would say probably not.
The proximity of these questions is troubling...